8. dorothea

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It'd been some tough couple of days at the job she'd newly taken up.

Coding is something that she'd always been interested in, which made working a lot lighter, but it was still coding, it was still a new job. She had to face those ugly and stressful feelings such as the fear of not being right for the spot, the social anxiety of not getting along with the colleagues, the discomfort of still adjusting.

Karlie had barely taken some time for herself to eat properly and shower that week. However, when a less busy workday came, she decided to spend some quality solo time, treating herself with a delicious lunch.

She'd been used to having music in the background while cooking ever since she'd first learned how to cook. So she glared a quick glance at her vinyl shelf, spotting something she hadn't quite forgotten throughout the week- let's just say she had consciously and actively decided to put it aside on a specific darkened shadowy spot of her mind.

She took a deep breath, quickly wiping her hands on a napkin, before she could walk towards her vinyl shelf and grab that CD.

Karlie ran her fingers on the cover, as if that album was Taylor's voodoo doll and this would've transmitted those caresses directly to her.

She opened the case and something fell off on the floor.

Karlie bent down and noticed she'd dropped a note, it read an address in Nashville, probably Taylor's- she thought. She decided to put it on and listen to it while making herself hummus.

The first track started off with witchy vibes that Karlie was enjoying. Her imagination ran wildly and she visualized a witch cult dancing in circle around the potion pot boiling on a bonfire. She pictured cloaks and incense and candles and aromatic herbs and dry flowers.

Karlie got distracted. Maybe the reason why she decided to listen to the album while cooking is that, this way, she could pay less attention to the lyrics, so she had to worry less about receiving multiple metaphorical punches in her stomach.

However, right when she was about to smash the chickpeas, a line got her attention back to the lyrics and she stopped cooking.

"Sleep in half the day just for old times' sake
I won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay
So I'll go back to L.A. and the so-called friends
Who'll write books about me, if I ever make it
And wonder about the only soul who can tell which smiles I'm fakin'
And the heart I know I'm breakin' is my own
To leave the warmest bed I've ever known"

The note. Taylor quoted her own note form that night they'd spent together.

Karlie sat down at the kitchen table- screw lunch! Fucking chickpeas!
She decided she was going to listen to the album very carefully.

Rewinding it all, Karlie grabbed the booklet and leafed through it.

The witchcraft anthem was playing once again. She wasn't giving all her attention to it, which made her prone to notice something in the booklet: some lyrics were underlined, circled or accompanied with little drawings and/or footnotes she had handwritten and that did not appear on the original copy of the album. And together with this personalized booklet came some pictures of the two of them, mostly old pictures, and song concepts that Taylor would've liked to turn into music videos.



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