Nobody Will Remember That

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Stockholm, 1981

"Anna it's only you and me!" Benny shouted among the crowd searching for Agnetha's arm. It was noisy as hell and the music and the chattering of all the people weren't helping at all.

"WHAT?!" She was drunker than she had ever been. Benny had never seen her in that state.

"I said. We are alone!" Benny was trying to make himself heard, having finally found her arm and moving her staggering body in front of him by holding her from her shoulders.

"WHERE ARE BJÖRN... AN-AND FRIDA?!" She stuttered while trying to hold herself on Benny's chest.

"They went home I think" He shouted. "Let's get out of here! It's 2 in the morning!" He was finally able to held her and led them both outside the club towards his car parked in the far back of the building. Anna couldn't stand properly, she certainly needed to distract her mind in that chaotic period but perhaps she had slightly overdone with the alcohol. Benny had been drinking too but he was still perfectly lucid and able to drive.

Agnetha had arrived at the club with Frida, so now that she left her on foot, God only knows why, she would have to return by cab. Or with Benny.

He carried her near his car with one arm holding her hip and Agnetha's arm around his neck, subsequently opened the door and gently slid Anna into the front seat. Her mind was spinning wildly.

"N-No, no Benny I'm taking a cab..." She tried to fight him but without success. She didn't have an ounce of strength left in her body.

"No Anna I'm not going to wait for a cab to pick you up and still I'm not going to sleep good if I don't see you at home safe and sound" He said to her with a firm tone without moving his eyes from the steering wheel.

"You're so sexy when you're upset" Agnetha whispered to herself, giggling like a little kid.

"What?" Benny heard that loud and clear but played dumb.

"Nothing, nothing..." She answered and rested her head against the car window. Benny turned on the car and started driving in the direction of Agnetha's house, which was about half an hour from the club in downtown Stockholm. The street was deserted and there wasn't a soul anywhere if not for the two of them in that silent car in the middle of the night.

They finally arrived after a journey that seemed to last 2 hours, Benny got out of the car and then walked to Agnetha's door to help her getting out of the vehicle, noticing that she fell asleep with her head against the seat. Only after a few seconds, Benny realized that he was staring at her.

She was so angelic and delicate, her wavy blond hair resting on her shoulders, those soft, shiny lips that surely tasted sweeter than sugar, and her shoulders, her porcelain neck, and her perfect curves. His mind was traveling through the clouds but brought back to reality later by a movement of Agnetha, intent on stretching. They finally made it into her house as he helped her go upstairs towards her bedroom.

He felt a little weird in that moment, like if he was where he wasn't supposed to be but after all they were all divorced so there will be no sense of thinking that. That room now belonged to her and her only. No one belonged to anyone anymore. She finally collapsed on the bed and stared at the ceiling, covering her forehead with her hands. Benny turned around on his feet and when he was about to close the door behind him, he heard Anna mumble something to him.


"Yes?" He turned his green eyes to her.

"Can you help me remove my dress? I don't have the strength to" She whispered with the sexiest tone he had ever heard from a woman.

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