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Since its just been Halloween I thought I would write a Halloween chapter<333

no ones pov:
it was the 31th of October and Halloween. A few days ago people started about a Halloween party that a few of the third years were trowing. Everyone was pretty much invited to it. Felice, Sara, Madison, Stella and Fredrika has been so excited about it and talked non stop about it. The girls were planing to dress up as something together but Simon and Wille gladly stayed out of it.

Wilhelm's pov:
Simon was laying in my lap while I was touching his cruls softly. We were sitting up against the bed on the floor in my dorm. It was a little cold at hillerska so Simon had a blanket over himself.

«Are you dressing up for the halloween party?» Simon asked me while he removed the blanket from over his mouth and sat up a bit to look at me.
«i dont really know, i might just go with like some black clothes or something, if you don't wanna dress up together though" I whispered by his ear
"I honestly just wanna go in sweatpants and your hoodie" he whispered back while talking my hand into his with a soft grip.
"sounds good to me" I answer him before I quickly kiss his forehead. He pulls me in for a kiss and we suddenly end up making out for half and hour.

Simons pov:
He breaks the kiss and reaches for his phone. I act offended but lay my head against his chest before I wrap my arms around his waist. "It's 7.35 pm, the party started like 15 minutes ago let's get going" he says quickily before getting up and dragging my hand with him. "We can stay here you know" I tell him knowing that we can't. "We have to socialize, we never do anymore" he tells me and gives me a warm hug. I love it when he randomly hugs me. I just feel so safe. I hug him back and we get going.

When we get outside the dorms it's kinda cold outside. It's not more than a 10 minute walk to get to the party so I take willes hand in mine again and we start walking. After a while we arrive and he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before we go in. The whole school obviously knows about us after the video so we only get a few looks when we walk inside hand in hand.

We walk through a crowd and end up with the girls. "Hey lovebirds" Felice says as she hugs the both of us in a tight hug. The rest of the girls greets us and Sara gives me a apologizing hug wicth i half accept.

I look at my phone and realizes it's been a few hours since we first came. We have really just talked and played some games such as truth or dare but other than that it has been pretty chill. Willes is totally wasted and I'm keeping my eye on him so he doesn't do anything bad. I see him get a drink and then he comes stumbling over to me.
"Hey babyyyyy" he slowly says dragging out the y while leaning in to kiss me. Instead I just take his hand in mine and drag him over to get some fresh air. I help him get out of the window while he mumbles something.

It's starting to get late and willes staring to get really drunk. I don't mind that he drinks but I do get a bit uncomfortable sometimes, because of my dad.
"Let's get you home" I say before he throws up.
"I don't wanna go, I wanna stay here with you" he protests. I place my left hand around his waist and we start walking.

I take off his shirt since he threw up all over it and puts him in a clean one. Then I lay him in bed and a few minutes I lay beside him.
"I love you Simon" I hear him say. Wille is actually very truthful when he's drunk. We haven't used the I love you frase that much so I get kinda shocked. I turn around to fase him and whispers:
"I love you too, wille"

Kind of a longer chapter<33

If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact me or leave a message here:)


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