059. 'i know that I'd die without you'

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"And want grows stronger

Deeper than the truth"

         YOU KNOW, DODIE NEVER REALLY minded the sight and presence and talk of Rachel Elizabeth Dare. People would say that she was jealous, but no — okay, perhaps a bit, but that had never clouded her entire judgement. Unlike Annabeth, who clearly didn't like the redhead, Dodie was quite complacent with her. However, right now, as she, Annabeth, and Percy soared through the sky on Annabeth's Guido, Dodie was starting to wonder how hard she could strangle someone.

From the way Percy was complaining about how hard she was squeezing his hands as he held her waist, it seemed that "really hard" was a safe bet.

The skies above New York resounded with Rachel's screams, and it became evident that she had yet to succumb to slumber, which Dodie had found quite peculiar. However, the pilot who should have been at the controls was slumped over them as the helicopter wobbled toward the side of an office building.

"What's the plan?" Percy inquired, his voice almost lost in the cacophony of the failing aircraft.

Annabeth turned to Dodie, her gaze inquiring. A devious glint sparkled in her grey eyes as she reached for Dodie's hands, securing them around her waist. "I need you to give me a lift."

Dodie blinked.


"What?" Percy leaned sideways to get a look at them, eyeing Annabeth and Dodie. "What are you planning?"

"Unless you want me to give you a lift and you control the helicopter?" said Annabeth, tilting her head. Her grey eyed swam brilliant with amusement, almost as if she was taking her damn time in saving Rachel. "I'm okay with it either way."

"Are you really playing around when someone's falling off the sky as we know it," mused Dodie, quirking a brow.

Annabeth shrugged, "Either way, it'll be a win to me."

"Hello? I'm still here!" Percy exclaimed from behind Dodie.

Annabeth waved him off.

"I don't do good with buttons," decided Dodie as she propped her hands over Annabeth's hips.

"Wait," Percy narrowed his eyes. "What are you going to do?"

In response, she said, "Hyah!" And Guido went into a nosedive.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now