Part 4

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---after sometimes—

I saw suk coming to my room

Look your husband coming to take you.

She blushed

What? What's wrong with me taking my wife? Are you somewhat jealous?

I rolled my eyes tae-suk i have no problem you taking your wife

-----at door

faye i will go?

I chuckled

See you on Tuesday night

ok i will come.

--- in kitchen –

I felt a stare

So that's what all it was about?

I turned to see him staring at me straight in to eyes which i looked away

I turned to see him staring at me straight in to eyes which i looked away

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What was all about?

The weeding dress drama?

I gulped

I had already told it to suk earlier.

I defended myself

Yah when he told me, when i heard you said to grandma there was some issue with the dress i was thinking how you could make such a fault. I know something was fishy about it.

It was her weeding i wanted what she wanted.

He left. Making no sound or reply just like that our conversation ended just like that.

--- after 3 weeks

------at Athinzexe (Faye 's brand) conference hall

I was discussing about the upcoming Paris Fashion week designs

"kim tae-suk"

I hung that then

"kim tae-min"

I hung up then

"kim ling"

I hung up ok i know calling three rows gotta be pranking me.


" kim valia"

She? I picked up

Hi what's up?

Emergency meeting at lovancy in square room no. 503

Then she hung up . look like important i hope it better be i have an emergency meeting to attend. I will come in a bit.

But ma'am is everything alright?

I don't know i'm going

------at lovancy

This is one of the hotel owned by kim's under suk's guidance as he is the one manage real estates

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This is one of the hotel owned by kim's under suk's guidance as he is the one manage real estates.

-----at room 503

Faye you are here at last

She said in a deep relief

Hmm? Is everything ok?

Nothing in ok.

Min? u are here?

Tae min the second of the brothers the one we think is playful but he manage the most important part of kim's the finance, kim's bank and firms .He is the correct definition of don't judge a book by it's cover. As someone like tae-hyung even little kids can understand he is serious about work but someone like min even the investors think is just a boy who spends time spending families money but he is the hidden key of kim's. All he do is stand aside not even without introducing then after that we our self will know him without introduction . Just surprise every single one with the result. That's all he cares until VALIA .He only cares about procedure when it comes to her. He mean a lot to me he is the first one who tried to make me comfortable with him. whenever we meet in parties before i married he dance with me 2 or 3 times even if his brother excuse himself after the first dance complete it like an obligation which is the reality i cant blame him and i still doesn't as i have no right to do it.


I suddenly came out of the thoughts


You where lost somewhere there.

Faye something big happened

What happened min?

He sighed

Come inside there are others.

I was surprised to see ling,suk also there.

What happened?

Suk cleared his throt

Hmm i will tell but ling you must tie her up first or hold her.

What with u? and ling what's going on?

Faye promise u will not kill him.

I promise now tell.

Then after he finished i facepalmed myself

Are you sure your secretary maria was only making your tie properly and riana entered?

I asked doubtfully only to get 3 of them glare at me

Excuse me in ur heart am i a person who will go to other girls just after one month of my marriage? Seeing ria will i still be able to look at anyother girls than her?

I now understand what he thought i was saying

Suk u misunderstood what i meant i mean i don't believe in coincidence she must have done that purposefully.

Omg i thought you thought i cheated on ria

I smiled at him

I trust you but im not telling to dismiss maria or anything recoment her to somewhere as i know u will feel guilty that she has been with you for 7 years.

That's and all no problem but about ria she run away after seeing that.

Suk i know what im going to tell is ridiculous but the fact is that it's better if you appoint mans as your secretary and people who are frequently will spent time with you also should be mans. Suk you must keep your distance from outside and also work. It is not that she is not trusting u or anything it is to give her security and a reason to trust u. that's what make a good relationship. Also if you ask maria to resign and all then you only you have the right to can ask her to stay away from mens especially that piano partner of her some jaison? Or jose?

It's joseph and i understood

Then when i saw min's expression change and he said 

MY BILLIONAIRE HUSBAND taeff [series 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now