chapter 2: the night you danced like you knew our lives would never be the same

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Andrea smiled as she watched the girls dance around the box as Taylor sang "Enchanted". Evie's purple dress looked so perfect as Lila twirled her around and they danced through the mostly vacant booth. Lila was singing her heart out and she could hear a little giggle from Evie everytime she twirled around.

Hunter watched quietly from the side as his sister danced and twirled in a way she hadn't done in ages. He had never really been much of a dancer. In fact there probably wasn't enough money in the world to convince him to get up and dance. But Evie had always loved dancing, and she and their mom used to dance and sing in front of the bathroom mirror as their mom got ready for work or to go out at night. Evie was always in her pajamas, and sometimes the dance party would move to the kitchen so that they could eat dinner or make lunch for school.

But she hadn't done that in a while. He could barely remember the last time he heard her voice above the occasional, nearly inaudible whisper.

But Evie still smiled when he put on Taylor Swift as they got ready for school. Sometimes he would sing, and occasionally sort of dance, just to hear her laugh. Only for his little sister. But she never joined him. Except for tonight.

Tonight she danced with him during "Lover", and laughed as he sang his heart out to "Love Story" with Lila.

It wasn't fixed, but it was better. He had made the right call. Screw his fucking financial advisor. He doesn't even have kids, let alone a traumatized little sister.

Scott watched the kids cautiously from afar. He spent most of his time walking around and filming his daughter, but when he did return to the booth, he stayed off to the side. It wasn't because he didn't like them. But it was because of Evie.

Lila and Dave both seemed sweet. But he knew that they were more of a packaged deal. That the real ones Andrea had sought out were Evie and Hunter. His daughter had to get it from somewhere.

When he'd first approached Evie she had been scared. Extremely scared. In fact, he worried she was gonna run away and hide somewhere random in the stadium where no one would find her for days. She was small. So he stayed away.

He watched silently from afar as the scared little girl became happy and full of life. As she danced and twirled around in her purple dress. And the blonde hair, the bright blue eyes, and the laugh. Well, she reminded him of Taylor. His daughter. Who was on stage giving the performance of a lifetime. And yet, that night, his eyes were fixated on someone else. A different little girl in a purple dress that makes her look like a princess. And it was just as incredible.

"She is getting the hat, right?" Scott whispered in Andrea's ear as the song came to an end. "And if the answer's no, I will personally see that that little girl gets the hat and a chance to meet Taylor," he added after a pause.

"Who, Evie?" Andrea asked, hiding her smirk in the darkness of the stadium.

"Yes Evie! I mean, look at her. She's adorable! Taylor's got to meet her!"

"Scott, relax. Evie's getting the hat. I decided the moment I laid my eyes on her. You're right, she is adorable," Andrea responded calmly with a smile.

Andrea walked over to where Evie was standing by the railing of the tent, kneeling down and whispering to her. Scott could make out Evie smiling and nodding, even in the darkness. And then, she pointed at him.

Andrea continued to talk to Evie, and Evie kept pointing at Scott. Why?

"Scott!" Andrea called him over after a bit.

"Yeah, what is it?" he asked hesitantly as he walked over.

"Evie wants you to go with her to the front of the stage, if that's alright with you?" she asked, well more like suggested, in a way that only moms can accomplish. The 'you better say yes or I will make your life hell' voice.

"Yeah, of course!" he replied happily but calmly. "We should probably head over now, you ready?"

Evie nodded, giving the stuffed dog she had been holding to her brother before she followed him slowly out of the box.

She trailed after him a ways, and he would occasionally look back to make sure she was still there, constantly checking there were no security guards or other people who would miss the little girl in the purple dress trailing behind him and accidentally run into her.

As they got closer to the stage, his focus shifted over to his daughter, nearing the end of "Long Live".

And bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid

He felt a small hand slip into his and he glanced down at Evie, who was standing beside him, eyes fixated on his daughter in her own purple dress.

And long, long live the look on your face

Evie glanced up at him, smiling softly, bestowing a trust in him that he couldn't, and wouldn't ever be able to explain.

He smiled back at her.

He knew they were going to have to run in order to make it to the stage in time. But for now, he just wants to watch the girls in the purple dresses who he would do anything for.

One day, we will be remembered.

As the last note of the song played he glanced back down at the little girl, a sense of urgency overtaking his demeanor. And with that, they sprinted like crazy people down to the stage.

They made it there in time, and when they got there, Scott picked Evie up as they waited for the moment to come, he couldn't risk her getting trampled.


Taylor smiled as she walked down the longest part of the stage. At the end of the stage she could make out the cutest little girl in a purple dress. And, her dad?!

She kneeled down to hug the little girl, almost forgetting about the hat until her dad pointed to the top of her head and she laughed. The little girl looked almost scared to be there and her excitement was quieter and more wondrous than any other look a fan had ever given her. She probably told the little girl that she loved her as many times in a few seconds as she told her cats in a few days (which was a lot).

And as she went back to join the kickline, she couldn't help but think, God that kid was cute.


Taylor waved at her fans as she walked out of the show, seeing her dad standing beneath the stadium, hurrying to join him and ask him why he'd been down at the stage for "22".

"Hey, Taylor," her dad started as soon as they began walking back to her dressing room.

"Yeah?" she asked, a mix of both exhausted and super hyper.

"So there were these kids, and you've got to meet them."

She gave her dad a weird look, he was usually the last person to suggest that she meet more fans than necessary.

"I know, it's weird coming from me. But your mom found them, they're amazing. A brother and his little sister, she's the one you gave the hat to!"

"Really?!" Taylor asked, practically jumping up and down. "She was so cute! Her dress was adorable! What's her name?"

"Evie," Scott smiles, not just because he loved the kid, but because his daughter's excitement was infectious. "So you'll meet them?"

"Oh my god! Evie, that's such a cute name! Oh, I can't wait to meet her for real!" Taylor says, as she starts half skipping to her dressing room.

"So that's a yes?" Scott calls out after his daughter. "Okay," he shrugs, "I'm calling your mom to tell her."


here's chapter 2! can't wait for them to meet!

also, favorite 1989 tv vault track anyone? mine's probably "is it over now?"

thank you so much for reading! I love you all and I hope you're doing well.

also i know it's my own writing, but i really love the evie scott bond so far

love you! take care of yourselves!

tess <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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