Chapter 1

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Jimin is a 13 years old kid , his parents died when he was 7 and he went to live with his uncle but the old man didn't look to him as a kid at all , his fragile and petit body was playing some dirty thoughts on his head , and he adopted him and tried to make a relation with the kid when he start to live with him so Jimin won't refuse or recognize the intention behind his touches .

the innocent boy thought it's the replacement of his lost parent's love , but with the time passing he knew it wasn't , and in the most dark night of his live , the mask dropped from his uncle real face and the man tried to Rape him .

the poor kid fought till his last strength , till his last voice in his throat , but there is no one to rescue him , to hear his desperate screams , to feel his agony , he has nothing to do but to cry , in this early age he tasted the hell on the earth , his innocent had snatched from him , the light dim on his eyes , the smile gone from his lips , all his childhood , nothing left with him anymore.

he wake up in the middle of the night to find his naked body full of bruises , his throat is dry from all the screaming , his ass has the greatest share of pain , he gathered all his strength to get up , he went to take a shower , and he know in this moment , he can't be here anymore , this man will not stop on this point , if he will not runaway now he will live in hell with this monster , nothing out there will be worse than what he wetness the last night

he gathered his things which is not too much , this monster was not generous anyway , aside from making Jimin his servant and have a one meal a day the boy was satisfied with the hug or head pat , or the " good boy " word he get in the end of the day, or even the nights that passed without getting beaten , or locked on the dark room for a broken plate or a water on the floor after mopping , he thought this is the way he deserve to be treated if the one who feed you is not your parents after all you are a burden , you need to be a useful in a way .

but he has a treasure that he hide all this years , i small box has his father's watch and his mother's necklace both pieces bear a letter print " J " the first letter of his name . he stuffed the box and the other shirt that he had and sneaked out of the window , he has no idea where he is going

 he stuffed the box and the other shirt that he had and sneaked out of the window , he has no idea where he is going

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but anywhere will be better than this place .. he kept walking in the dark street till the sunrise , the worm of the sun light ingulfed his cold limp he was thinking to look for a job

but who will hire a 13 years old kid who never went to school , he don't know how to read or write , his mother taught him how to write his name and some other letters as he went to the kindergarten , but he can't read like the kids on his age

Jimin : " i can't give up this early , let's try i don't have anything to lose " and he start to enter all the cafes and restaurants to ask about a job that would suit him , some of them would cooed at how cute the boy is so they think he won't stand the work , and some would just refuse , and some he would find the look of his uncle so he will be the one to leave

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