" STEVEN I FUCKING TRUSTED AND LOVED YOU " I said crying. " well he is mine now bitch" Abby said. " did you know I can whoop your ass? I will kill you and the baby bitch". I said. " I wish a bitch would " Abby said. I got over to Abby and looked at her then I turned to Steven and I saw him take off the condom throwing it on the floor and putting on his pants. I looked at Abby and said " swing I fucking dare you " she swung at me and I punched her stomach and her face. I think I knocked her teeth out. 😂. She was bleeding on the floor and I said " come at me again bitch and you're gonna be sorry " " okay okay " Abby said. I went home feeling like a bad bitch ( Twaimz ( llama emoji) ). I got a text from Steven.
S/ babe I'm sorry that happened today please forgive me please baby I love you
P/ Steven have you lost your fucking mind? This is the second fucking time I caught you cheating you lying fuck.
S/ baby please don't act like that yeah I know I fucked up again but trust me I love you
P/ if I forgive you ONE MO MUTHAFUCKIN TIME will you not cheat/ lie?
S/ yes baby please. Baby I gotta go i love you
P/ okay bye.
I woke up not realizing it was the weekend. I texted Steven
Me/ hey babe good morning
Steven😍😘/ morning Bae whatcha doing today
Me/ nothing really just relaxing
Steven😍😘/ good I want to take you somewhere special
Me/ why
Steven😍😘/ somewhere for apologizing for cheating
Me/ okay
Steven😍😘/ okay baby I will be there in 20
Me/ okay babe bye
Steven😍/ bye
I have a pic of Penelope but I don't know how to add it. I feel old
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Steven Fernandez : Just A Story
ФанфикPenelope is just a 15 year old girl that loves to skate then one day goes to a skate park, and meets a cute ass boy named Steven Fernandez. Lmao