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*Daisy's insta story*

Caption: when she carries my bags😍

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Caption: when she carries my bags😍

mapileon replied to the story I can carry your bags

Gracemccloud i hate you

alexisputellas i love her hair and tattoos

Daisybronze @alexiaputellas seems like your trying flirt your way to her

*Grace and Daisy's chats*

Grace: Daisy!

Grace: Daisy Bronze answer me right now

Daisy: ugh what do you want

Grace: Do u think the alexia putellas wants me?

Daisy: I don't know ask her

Grace: no I can't please can you do it

Daisy: what why me.

Grace: because she's your sisters friend not my sisters

Daisy: ok fine your lucky I love you

*Daisy and Alexia*

Daisy: hey

Alexia: hi

Daisy: that was fast

Alexia: sorry

Daisy: Don't apologise I was only messing

Alexia: I can't believe Luce has only just told us about you

Daisy: haha yeh i know she tends to hide me a lot

Alexia: that's a bit unfair don't you think

Daisy: I mean she just doesn't trust it

Alexia: do u mind if I ask why?

Daisy: let's just say her friends tried to hit on me and I got in a relationship with one and she broke my heart

Alexia: oh i'm so sorry it sucks having your heart broke

Daisy: tell me about it but it's fine it was two years ago I got over it a long time ago

Alexia: do you wanna see my dog

Daisy: of course I love dogs

Alexia: her names Nala

Daisy: omg she's so fluffy

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Daisy: omg she's so fluffy

Alexia: she is! she loves cuddles but she's very picky with her people

Daisy: I need to meet her soon

Alexia: you can I know it might sound a bit weird but I was about to take her out for a walk do you wanna come?

Daisy: right now?

Alexia: yeh I know it's short notice you don't have to

Daisy: i'd love to let me get ready i'll meet you soon

Daisybronze I think i've fallen in love with Nala Tagged: @Alexiaputellas643,7k likes || 357,2comments

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Daisybronze I think i've fallen
in love with Nala
Tagged: @Alexiaputellas
643,7k likes || 357,2comments

Alexisputellas come back soon she missed and she might not be the only one

Mapileon wait what are you kidding me

ingirdengen how come she got to see you before us

Onabatlle Me next!

Lucybronze daisy you know the rules.

claudiapina come to training with us next week we wanna meet you

wonze4life new couple?

lucylover I could see it tbh

Jasonwood stop replacing me and grace we miss you

*Grace and Daisy*

Grace: daisy what the fuck you were meant to see if she wants me not go and be her fucking lap dog

shit I forgot i had to ask Alexia about grace I'm gonna be in so much shit.


how is everyone finding the chapters hope there all looking good
don't forget to vote!

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