Entrance Exam

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Izumi looks at the U.A building and walks in to do the test as she wonders if school is boring or not as Toshinori gave her One For All two months ago making her to feel that Divine Cosmo's is twice as strong plus she can't wait to see her two husbands since she can feel them in the Quirk, but will have to wait to see them as she already misses them greatly may they be dead or not. Izumi walks in and does the paper test making her to wing it as she's never been to school before and then she saw the written test.

Izumi knows doing school work is important to get a good job, but why do they need to do it as well unless it's to complete their Hero training since they have to do paperwork which would make sense for her and she needs to complete it faster than the others as she wants to get this over with which helps as she knows some things and can pass the history part of the school cause of how much she knows of Japan since the first Quirks showed up in Japan and then four hours later, it's the real test making her to look around the train.

Over the years, both of Izumi and Izuael had learned soo much making them to be curiosity about everything they see, hence why Izauel had been doing a lot of Villain jobs as he gets paid and no one ahs caught him yet since the first time Heroism was accepted, he was the first Villain making him the number one, not All For One making the man to be furies as Izuael has fully something he doesn't and that's experiences making him to be better planned out and has better focus on the bigger picture.

It's taking care of making Izumi to focus on her task as she can see about forty hundred examines with one being nervous making her to ignore them and everyone else, but saw one who looks like a good bride making her to keep an eye on them as they'll make a perfect sister-in-law and she'll keep an eye on them to see how long they can keep her interest in them as her future sister and bride for her brother as she can tell he'll love her very much and might make her immortal as well, too which would make awesome for them.

Once they got to the testing ground, she can sense she has to bolt to where the many robots are making her to do so as the blond hair Pro-Hair shouts at the others that she had the right idea as there is no waiting time making them to bolt after her as she got sixty points for saving someone times eighty plus she got it, too when she went around and saved ten examines from getting hurt which got the principal to be very curious about her as that's a total of five thousand and four hundred points alone making her to be smart.

The principal sent the Zero Pointer Robot out making her to noticed the nervous girl was fully trapped making her to bolt and then slammed a strong punch at the rubble on top of her and it also sent the rubble at the robot before she sent a strong kick to it's face making it to fall fully backwards making her to gain another sixty points making it to be five thousand, four hundred and sixty points making the principal to be impressed with her as he wonders about her majorly and Toshinori shivers as this is going to be a bad thing.

Izumi heads home afterwards making the principal to miss his chance as Izumi won't talk to him unless she's being punish or it's to talk to her brother which calls Toshinori down as he doesn't need her to have the same smarts as Nezu as it seems she's even smarter than Nezu which wouldn't be a good thing if he increases it even more. Izumi explains about the test and how she might have found someone for Izuael, but she's still checking her out and will open a portal for him to grab her and she showed the two rings.

"Onc' yau kissed huh aftuh huh ring is on, she's permanently married to yau and it can't' be undo no mattuh what'. She's as good as yaurs, brothuh." Izuael smirks as he likes this idea and he asked for what she looks like to help him out as he might just keep her and just make her an immortal bed warmer which Izumi understands as this is going to be his first ever immortal wife which's okay as Izumi doesn't mind as she might find the one for her as she never thought of having a husband cause of her being immortal and all that.

"She's a girl of medium height', possibly set' a littl' mor' broadly than som' of huh othuh femal' classmates, with, according to huh profayl, "healthy thighs". Dju' to huh Quirk, huh skin is a light' shad' of pink, and she has somewhat' squar'-shaped eyes with black sclera' and yellow irises and notably long eyelashes below and araund the sides of huh eyes. She also got' a supuh athletic body. Huh faiss is framed by short' fluffy, unruly pink hauh slightly darkuh than huh skin.

She also has two thin pal' yellow horns protruding from huh head, hooked squarely and leaning diagonally to opposit' sides, which seim to be slightly flexibl', abl' to bend a bit' to each sid'. I think yau might' lik' huh very much, brothuh." Izumi said which got Izuael to smirk smugly making Izumi to not feel scared of it. This means Izuael loves her already and he already wants her to be his bride making Izumi to work on getting the date set to have Izuael bring her home as they live in a big house like they did before in Salem times.

Izumi made the inside have ten times the space and bedrooms it had. Izumi wanted to make sure there's room for the family as her and Izuael have a grand master bedroom each with a private bathroom. Izumi made the place to have twelve bedrooms with six bathrooms, the kitchen has enough space to have them be back to back with four inches space between them to be safe, a huge living room, a theater TV room, a huge backyard for training and a small farm to keep them going with both food and money.

It's making Izuael to get his bedroom ready as his soon-to-be wife, her Quirk is going to be a problem making Izumi to just nod and each room is sound-proof, so no one can hear what's going on inside of any of the rooms. Izumi knows what her big brother is doing and she doesn't care as long as he doesn't get caught or arrested, she'll give an alibi to the cops and Pro-Heroes to keep him safe as Izuael thinks it's a good idea for him to go up against The Meta Liberation Army making Izumi to allow him to do his thing.

Izuael knows about them and where they live making it to be perfect to take them out and no one would even noticed it at all as he'll start the attack at nighttime in a month time as he needs the perfect plan to use to take them out. Izumi just ask that her brother keep safe during this making Izuael to agree as family is very important to him and harming his sister or his wife-to-be, they all deserved the death penalty from him which Izumi agrees with as no one can find evidence that he did it.

'Sinc' he don't' leav' evidenc' at' any crim' scen' he has evuh don' for a long tim'.' Izumi knows to be careful as she knows to wait for the results to see if she got into U.A or not as the future sister is there. Izumi got her results with both high marks on both test making her to get into UA High making her to be happy as her new sister is about to have a new life once she gets her hand onto her and Izuael marries her as he'll never let her go no matter what the cost as she's stuck inside the house forever and ever as his wife.

'Now to wait' for the perfect' moment' as she's brothuh's soon enaugh.' Izumi thinks as she went to weed and clean the garden that's in the backyard as herbs and their vegetables grow there with cattle, chickens, pigs and goats making them to have their food already for them to eat when it's time as there's also fruit and nuts trees also in the garden for fruits and nuts to eat as well, too. Izumi knows she's going to be trapped here once she's married to Izuael as no way she'll be able to get away from him ever.

AN: I'm going to be using the image from https://hentaiera.com/view/604933/16/ for the chest area since I'm having her have a huge growth spurt in the chest and a little bit in the limbs for her and yes, Ashido's in big trouble once Izuael has his hands on her fully as her husband and her as his wife. Izuli doesn't know her name just yet, hence why the name wasn't giving out to Izuael yet. Izumi has a 36H bra cup making her to have a very big bust size for her age actually in the past and that's as far as I'm going with her.

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