22. Powers

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Jennie's Pov:

I opened my eyes and I feel pain in my neck, I grabbed it and massage it

"Ahh" I groaned

Then I remembered what happened last time, this Taehyung, I said bite me not that bite on my neck, Is he dumb or what?

I am about standup but I can't I am really weak, Did Taehyung suck my blood that much?The fuck, Ahh I will see him, just wait for me to heal you alien.

"Achoo!" Taehyung sneezed

"Did someone just cursed me?" He asked to himself and rubbed his nose.

Then I realised where is Lisa and how am I at my tent? I look at my side and saw Lisa lying there.

"What happened to her?" I asked myself then I tried to shake her

"Lisa wake up!" I said but then my tent's chain opened and Jisoo unnie come with a bowl in her hands, I guess it's soup, the minute she saw me she run to me and said

"You're awake!" She said and put the bowl aside then hugged me and I hugged her back

"What happened unnie? Why are you so worried?" I asked her

"You just tell me are you okay?" She asked and broke the hug

"Yeah I am but I feel weak" I told her truthfully

"Oh okay now drink some vegetable soup, you will feel good" Jisoo unnie said and handed me the soup

"Unnie, let me freshen up first" I said and she nodded , I again tried to standup but I can't

"Unnie, I am really weak now can you help me?" I asked and she nodded then I grabbed her hand tried to standup and luckily I did then Jisoo unnie guided me to the bathroom and I freshen up myself and I then we went into my tent
and drank the soup

"Wha happened to Lisa?" I asked

"She's fainted like you and I don't know why? Jungkook came last night and he told us that, they were playing together then she suddenly fainted" Jisoo unnie explained

"Ohh but how she fainted?" I asked

"He said, he don't know" Unnie answered and then I realised where is Rosé

"Where is Rosé?" I asked

"She's practicing her powers outside" Unnie answered and I nodded

When will I get my powers? And which one it'll be? The ice power like Rosé or the nature power like unnie? Or some other?

"Jennie?" Unnie called me and I looked at her

"Yes?" I asked

"Why are you staring at your hands?" She asked and I realised I've been staring at my hands the whole time

"Nothing, just thinking about when will I get my powers too" I told her
suddenly she grabbed my hands and look me in the eyes

"The powers are responsibility and now Rosé and me have one so we have to be careful and I know it's fun to have powers but we have a responsibility too, that is we can't use powers for our own use but for others and our comfort, we can't hurt people by our powers, we can't tell others about powers--" before she can continue I cutted her

"Why can't we tell others about your powers unnie?" I asked

"Because if they know it they will cling to us" She answered and I cringed

"Eww that's gross, you're right unnie people will cling to us if they know it" I said and she chuckled

"Ok you rest and tell me when Lisa woke up, I check on Rosé" She said and I nodded and leave the tent

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