🖤 Oikawa: Kiss Your Scars

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‼️ Warning ‼️ Contains: self harm, bullying, thoughts of suicide, cussing

If these things make you uncomfortable plz don't read!!!


1st person:

Some days you just want to disappear from this cruel world and today is one of those days. When you and Oikawa had first started dating everything was great. You would go on cute little dates and never leave each others side, but after about 4 months of dating you started to experience the down side of this relationship.

School had just finished for the day so you were on your way to your locker to put your books away, before heading to watch Oikawa's practice. Just as you reached your locker you felt someone grab your (h/l) (h/c) hair and pull you backwards.

"Look who it is, the wannabe (l/n). Thought you could escape school without me seeing you?" As the person let go of your hair, you fell to the ground, and saw that it was a group of Oikawa's fan girls. Their "leader" (i'm to lazy for names right now) the one who had grabbed your hair smirked down at you.

This has been happening for the past 3 month now, but you didn't dare to tell Oikawa. He was so stressed with volleyball and school that you didn't want to add to it. You didn't want him to see you as weak and pathetic. You pretend that everything was ok.

You try to stand up but the girl kicks you square in the gut causing you to collapse back onto the cold ground of the building. "Do you really think Oikawa senpai loves you? He's probably only using you for his own sexual pleasure and when he's tired of you he'll throw you out like the trash you are." Her and all her friends laughed, as if it was the funniest joke they ever heard. "If I were you (l/n) I would save myself and break up with him first." With that the girl kicked you one last time before walking away her group following close behind.

Once you could no longer see them you quickly got up wincing at the pain from being kicked. You grabbed your stuff off the floor before running out of the building. You ran all the way back to your house, which was only about two blocks away from school. Luckily both your parents were on a business trip for the month, so no one was home. You collapsed onto your bed tears streaming down your face. You're not sure when they started but you could tell they weren't going to stop for a while.

Why me? Why did I have to fall in love with Oikawa? Why did he have to have so many damn fangirls out to kill her? On top of being bullied physically, you had also had people dropping letters into your locker and backpack. Today you received some saying things like "you're such a slut" "have you ever heard of a diet?" "Oikawa's only using you" "you should kill yourself".

Usually these things didn't bother you but this past week it finally reached a limit. You no longer felt comfortable in your skin, you hated the way you looked. You started to do something you never thought would happen, you started cutting yourself. At first it started as one, then two, now you're too lazy to count. You find yourself in the bathroom adding several new scars each one adding a sense of relief to the pain you feel inside. You know this isn't healthy, but the sting of the cut helped numb your feelings.

3rd person:

(y/n) had left her phone in her room so she didn't hear it as it rang. Oikawa had called (y/n) what felt like a million times but she hadn't picked up. She never missed his practice without telling him. As soon as practice ended he ran to your house as fast as he could. As he went to unlock the door with the spare key that (y/n) had given him he noticed it already unlocked. He quietly opened the door and searched around looking for her. After searching every room he noticed the bathroom door cracked open so he went over to investigate it. As he got closer to the door he could hear your quiet little snores from inside.


You awoke suddenly, after falling asleep from all the crying, to the felling of someone hugging you tightly. At first you were frightened but then you caught the sent of cherry blossom shampoo. Tooru. You snuggled closer to him before releasing your arms and legs were exposed. You pushed him off of you before bringing your knees up to your chest and hiding your face in hands. You were washed over with a feeling of guilt knowing that Oikawa would be disappointed in knowing you have been hurting the body he calls perfect. Oikawa gently grabs your hands pulling them away from your face to see you crying.

"(Y/n) look at me" he whispered grabbing your chin making you look up at him. You stared at him with your teary (e/c) eyes. He brought you in for a hug, which you happily accepted. "Babe please tell me what's wrong? I'm not mad at you for cutting your self, but I am a little hurt that you haven't told me about it."

You chewed on the inside of your cheek, contemplating whether or not to tell him the truth. You finally gave in and told him everything, from the girls after school today, to the letters people give you, and even told him how you feel like you no longer are worthy of his love.

Once you finish telling him of the past few months, he pulls you in even closer a couple tears escaping from his eyes. "(y/n) why did you keep this from me, I could have been there for you, protected you, cared for you through your toughest times. I kinda feel like a shitty boyfriend now for not realizing what's been happening." He grabs your arm and softly starts kissing each one of your scars. "I'm sorry I kept this from you, I was just so worried that if you found out you would think we weak and pathetic and end up breaking up with me." You say before looking away from him ashamed of yourself for hurting him. He stops kissing your arms and reaches his hand to your cheek. You look back at him just as he starts leaning in. His soft, warm lips meet yours and you melt into the kiss. The kiss was small but it made you feel so loved. He picked you up bridal style and carried you to your room laying you down on the bed. He grabbed your computer and put on Monsters vs Aliens, before cuddling close to you.

"I love you so much (Y/n), scars and all."

"I love you to Tooru."


HEY HEY HEY!!! Hope you all enjoy the first chapter, I really wished I had a boyfriend like Oikawa to kiss all my scars 😭 but hey if any of you are struggling with bulling, self harm, or just need to talk, i'm always here to talk and I understand what it's like to struggle with these things I want to help you guys out ❤️❤️

Till next time love you guys and your all amazing, author-chan out ✌🏼 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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