Forklift Date

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SMG3 and SMG4 sit peacefully in 3's coffee and bombs sipping coffee, after the heist to get SMG3 notebook back things get pretty peaceful like this. And given he moved into the grounds to be closer to them SMG4 was convinced that the heist really did bring them closer together. That's when a new issue started to grow, the more time he spent with 3 the more he started to realize his crush on the man.

It was small things, he started to enjoy hearing SMG3 evil laugh when he sabotages the others in games they play. The way he would smirk making coffee because he was that confidante he would be able to guess the kind of drink you would like, surprisingly he was right every time. Then came the heart racing moments when SMG3 would wink at him when he would tease him, how warm his hand felt when they practiced their meme power.

Now it's the present day and he cant get the man out of his mind, thanks to this he had a plan to ask SMG3 on a date and learn how he really feels about them. They hung out all day watching memes both new and dead to fit each other's taste, now sipping coffee he can tell from the humming and writing in his notebook that it was the perfect time to talk. " want to have dinner with me?" he threw out the question, he did it and he was ready to run off and vomit from his nerves.

SMG3 stops writing and looks up confused "Uh dude? You do know how that came out sounding?"

He takes a deep breath and smiles at his partner "you mean it sounded like i was asking you on a date? Cause yeah i am."

Slowly SMG3's face turns dark red as he takes in what was going on "WAIT WHAT?! Why would I want to go on a date with you...baka!"

Seeing how flustered the other man got filled him with confidence "I promise you a great time and I bet I could even charm you with my mad rizz skills!" He winks at the guardian. SMG3 scoffs "Rizz? You? Would love to see that!"

SMG4 gives him a huge smile and grabs his hand "Perfect i will pick you up at eight!"

Realizing what he did, SMG3 pulls his hand back and stands up " I...YOU!! I'm not going on this date because I have any feelings for you, I just want to see how badly you fail."

"Sure whatever you say man!" With a giggle he runs out of the coffee shop to get ready for his date

SMG3 stands in his new home in shock, after months of pining for his partner and doing doodles of them in his notebook he now suddenly had a date with said man. He had a date with SMG4, his rival and friend. He couldn't help but let out a smile feeling both excited and nervous for tonight.

A few hours later, SMG3 checks himself in the mirror to make sure his outfit is perfect, hearing a shout outside he knows its time. He didn't know what to expect on this date. A lot could happen on it, but he should have known the idiot would pull something like this.

"Hey Three I brought the Rizz Forklift!" he waves at his date with such excitement SMG3 was expecting the man to jet off flying from the speed. "Did you really bring the stupid lift for this?!" he shouldn't be that surprised, honestly how did he not think their ride to the place would be a forklift given how excited the man has been getting certified. He sighs thinking to himself why was he even attracted to this idiot.

SMG4 smirks and hits a button lifting his date up "Of course, how else would i pick you up?"

Now he remembered why, the idiot can have charm when he wants to.

Getting comfy and sitting on the lift they head out, now that things have settled SMG3 got a good look at his date. It was always rare to see him without his hat, even more rare to see him in a different outfit. He made sure to note every part of it to draw into his notebook, getting caught staring, SMG4 chuckles "Did i charm you already?"

"WHAT!? NO! Please the only thing you can bring to the table is your cringe content," it was so natural for him to shove his emotions away. Why couldn't he say what he was feeling? That he was charmed, more than SMG4 even knows. "Think you can do better then 3?" he stops the forklift in a field giving SMG3 such a smug look he was about ready to smack it off of him. That's when the lightbulb turned on "Is that a challenge? If that's the case maybe I should show you true rizz!'

Taking out his phone he starts playing music, he then takes SMG4 hand pulling him off the forklift careful not to make the man face plant into the ground. "Let's dance!" pulling SMG4 close they start dancing they both end up glaring at each other as they casually fight for lead turning a romantic slow dance into a dance competition. "Have to say you have some moves SMG4,but can you beat this!" He takes the man's hand then dips him

SMG4 looks into his dates eyes blushing, he swears the light from the moon made SMG3 glow. With one smooth move SMG3 pulls SMG4 closer to him closer than when they started the dance, they both forgot about dinner all they saw was each other. Without another thought they slowly close the gap, SMG4 could feel his heart race from his lips touching the other man. He was enjoying the kiss till the phone rang bringing them both to reality, staring at each other with wide eyes.

Awkwardly SMG4 picks up the phone "Oh yes! I'm on my way sorry for being late!" SMG3 touches his lips as he watches SMG4 panic on the phone about their dinner plans.

Once SMG4 hangs up he lets out a shaky breath, was that kiss a heat of the moment thing or did it mean something? He was stuck standing there playing the moment on loop.

SMG3 stares at his date and decides if SMG4 can take the first step then maybe he could take it a step further.SMG3 climbs and sits in the forklift smirking at his date "So admit defeat? Or are we going for round two?" He prayed that the other man would understand the true meaning behind his challenge.

SMG4 lets out a huge smile as he gets back into the forklift getting the answer about their kiss "Never, I won't stop till I prove I have the rizz," SMG3 chuckles slowly grabbing SMG4 hand blushing "This might end up being a long battle, you sure you want this?

Grabbing his hand back he nods "No regrets, let's find out who truly has the rizz."

They went to dinner having a great time talking about everything they went through together, they even went on a forklift stroll under the moonlight. Before they knew it the date was over and neither of them wanted to leave each other's side, though one question lingered in the air. SMG3 opens the door to his evil lair "What was all this?"

"I'm hoping...the next step for us?" SMG4 watches the guardian waiting for his reaction. SMG3 turns glaring "This isn't some dumb prank for a video?! Are you you actually?" he looks down, shaking slightly. Seeing the sight, SMG4 frowns, pulling his partner into his arms "I am, do you want to be boyfriends?

SMG3 slowly pulls from the hug, coming up with the perfect excuse to keep SMG4 with him longer "Yeah i do, but just because we are dating now doesn't mean the challenge is done!" grabbing his boyfriend hand he drags him into his lair to have some coffee not seeing Meggy and Mario was watching the whole thing. They look at each other and smile "FINALLY!

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