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I'm a little late! I hope you enjoy it nonetheless though <3


The pretty autumn leaves fell down the trees as Mun opened the blinds. "A classic end of October day," he sighed as he smiled at the pretty scenery, seeing a few kids play in the piles of leaves.

He turned around and saw Hana peeking into his room. "Except that it's the very last day of October," she added, "which means..."

Mun's mouth formed a pout. "Still excited for Halloween at your age?" He joked as he got near the entrance where the woman was standing.

She giggled. "It's the best holiday. You get to scare people without it being considered too cruel."

"That's a way of thinking," Mun followed Hana to the kitchen.

Once they arrived, Hana pointed at 2 pumpkins. "Motak brought those for us. Wanna carve now? They're already hollow, so we only have to do the most fun part."

Mun nodded with enthusiasm as he got a marker to plan out what he was going to do.

"Bet you're gonna do something really detailed compared to mine," Hana mumbled, trying to imply a compliment without losing too much of her ego.

Mun hummed as an affirmation and doodled a cat face as a reference. Hana doodled a relatively normal pumpkin face.

As the two started carving, Hana heard an "ow!" coming from Mun. She quickly turned her head towards him to see a cut on his palm.

"Go rince your hand," the woman ordered Mun. He nods and went to do so.

Hana quickly grabbed the first aid kit and sat Mun down on a chair. She went to sit down next to him and asked for his palm.

He handed it out to her as she grabbed a cotton pad and applied pressure to stop the bleeding.

"You really need to be careful," she whispered, "we can't have our strongest counter wounded."

Mun looked up to see Hana's very serious and preoccupied expression. He giggled, a little embarrassed.

"You've always liked to treat my wounds even though Ms Chu is there for that, huh," the man said with a small smirk as Hana added ointment to the cut.

She nodded shily. "I don't like to see you hurt and I'm happy if I can help."

"That's unexpected coming from the Do Hana," a voice surprised the both of them. It was Motak, who was holding onto another pumpkin he got. "When you're done, we'll finish carving them and put them at the entrance!"


Mun put his pumpkin down after the others had already done it. Motak crouched to admire the beautiful carving the younger man had done. "Very detailed for someone who managed to nearly cut his hand off doing this," he said, impressed.

Mun looked at his palm, his wound covered by a cute bandaid with a dog pattern on it. He smiled and looked at Hana who was unconsciously staring at him too.
They both smiled.


Later on in the evening, Ms Chu called everyone in the living room.
"So," she starts, "shall we go trick or treating tonight? Get yourselves ready with the costumes you guys bought yesterday."

The counters nodded and hummed as they rushed to their rooms.

Mun was woken up by Hana who knocked on his door. "Yes?..." He answered with his morning voice as Hana peeked in.

She apologized for waking him up and immediately got her phone to show him a picture.

Mun looked at the picture, then back at Hana, then back at the picture. "Wanna be them for Halloween?" She said with a big smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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