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No one's Pov

"You need to get married!"

"A prince like you should find a lovely wife-"

"Y-yes but le-"


"The prince is too you-"

"He's not my dear"

"He needs to find someone to get married with so he can be king"

"The problem is who-"

"We shall bring all the proper princesses or womans that rich and proper for the prince"

Well Diavolo is now stress looking at the people who is deciding the things that he supposed to deal off. "My lord..", The butler, Barbatos, called him, "Let them be Barbatos, after all I need to find a bride to lived with so I can be the king.."

"Prince Diavolo umm since you are getting married may I ask.. Do you love someone?" One of them asked which makes Diavolo looked up and look at that woman who asked. "..... I need to rest.." "Of course Your Majesty" "Yes Your Majesty" Take a good rest Your Majesty" All of them stands up and bow to the prince while Diavolo with his butler walked to the room before he close the door he glance one last time seeing the people still discussing who will he married.

"My lo-" "Not now Barbatos.. Call the brothers and all the exchanged students to come to the castle. I need to talked to them." After saying that he walk away from his butler. Barbatos feels his young lord so stress so he did what he told.

At the House of Lamentation

The house has been quiet for 2 weeks now, Lucifer, The eldest of the brothers, Doing his work that Diavolo gave him suddenly there's a knock on the door. He raised his one eyebrow thinking who is that was before standing up to open the door.

"What is-Barbatos? Diavolo?", He looks at the two demons infront of him. "Lucifer, can you do me a favor please?", The prince asked looking down at the floor. Lucifer just nodded and the prince looked at him before grabbing both of his hands. "Please be my wife!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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