prologue part 1

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narrator: well how are you my readers... I'll take that as an I'm fine so let's get to the point or rather words? well this whole story started with a company called jcjanson in the spaaaaceeee that was primarily in charge of selling their pirated products for 5 pesos from the little store on the corner potential of several nexoplanets, one of which most attracted the company's attention was a nexoplanet called COPPER 9 which had a surface very similar to that of planet Earth with a size very similar to it, the company was very obsessed with colonizing this planet. nexoplanet but a great idea occurred to them in their minds but that in the future they would have to pay in one way or another and they created the first drones which were only a prototype and these were called cynder drones, drones that they thought had no mind own and that they were completely under their control but after some investigations they realized the abilities that they had and among them an incredible strength but the real reason why they worried is that as time went by they evolved physically and mentally which did that the company take action against them by sending their soldiers and machinery with the intention of giving hugs but... from the murderers while the cynder did not want to attack because they were peaceful beings but having no other option and they defend themselves and try to attack what which did not seem very difficult to destroy their machinery and soldiers, finishing them off with a measly attack, but as they spent the time they spent here, they learned that there was a nexoplanet called copper 9, so they thought it was a privilege to go there, but how? They were fast and skilled and all that but they couldn't just go through space as if nothing had happened because they weren't stupid, they knew perfectly well that they would be stranded there and they all thought the same thing, the same plan that wasn't a plan as such, but while they were fleeing to Losing them, they managed to pass through a hallway where there was a map of the place and where they were and all that about a map about a certain place. They stopped for a few moments to see it and then they located themselves and their plan was the Next go to the area of ​​special mini ships and there they will be divided into several groups, each group will take a mini ship and escape and reach Copper 9. Furthermore, by taking so many mini ships, they would calculate that the number of mini ships that jcjanson would have left would be very low, before this plan everyone spoke a language that resembles the human language but imperfect and they learned about this language by listening to human conversations and everyone decided to follow the plan but they did not consider that there were some humans taking care of that area but they still managed to end it. them and dodge their bullets from a barret rifle pistol because they were their last hope against the cynder but they didn't even manage to do it and they finished finishing off them so that the cynder without wasting any more time entered the mini ships and managed to escape, while with the well they were so desperate, they had managed to destroy so much machinery and they had also managed to escape but then they calmed down because they knew that complaining would not solve anything, and after that they decided to forget about them, not completely but already. They did not try to kill them...for now.and then they continued with their experiments and this time creating new drones called worker drones who no longer have certain abilities such as great strength and this time they really had them under control but at the beginning, the workers were alerted and kept their distance due to the previous events and it was not until a while ago...

Some time later, more exactly 3 years, the jcjanson company was already prepared to colonize Copper 9 and it was ago that they were preparing the ships, remembering the cynder drones and their possible ESCAPE, but well

5 days after the escape of the cynder drones:

The cynder drones had arrived at Copper 9, a place very similar to the earth but without humans and without garbage or at least that is what they saw with the naked eye. From there they decided to walk through the place thinking that there were no humans and they were safe but After a few hours of walking they ended up finding a place with light and decided to go inside and see, as they entered they found supplies, you know, human food and other things like a really damaged teddy bear etc... but for their bad luck in the copper 9 Yes, there were several humans and they were just in the supply area and well, several humans were just entering seeing the cynder drones, the 2 humans upon seeing them decided to call reinforcements because they did not know how lethal they could be while their partner decided to go on the attack being the worst idea and he managed to hit one but instead of hurting him he only made him see him as an enemy and they ended up killing him with one blow making the other human scared and running away to find a place to hide waiting for help While this was happening the cynder drones decided to flee when they left the warehouse, they started to run... after a few minutes of running they ended up encountering what they did not want to encounter and it is the reinforcements who had various types of weapons and the reinforcements Upon seeing them, they began to attack them for no apparent reason, causing the cynder drones to run into the forest to take refuge and when they reached the center of the forest, they decided to rest because they had had a somewhat hectic day, everyone began to form conversation groups and get together :D and they began to talk if you can tell them about their worry or anxiety and at the same time they felt freer and it was already getting dark which they all simply decided to look at the sky and the stars just to close their eyes and finally fall asleep with a smile in the face.

Good readers, this was a prologue part 1 because I'm getting a little tired and I already want to upload something, well that's all. The Cynder managed to have freedom, joy and peace, what could go wrong?

Well people so you know the parts of the prologue are the origins of the main story

1046 words exactly

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