another (2000)

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Me, janet,momma Kathrine, and Michael decided to hand out at the park

Of course there was paparazzi but at least it's like a ghost town

"So Michael,Y/N when am I getting a niece" Janet smiled


"What momma I was just asking!!?"

"It's fine momma" I laughed

"Well whenever y/n's ready I'm ready"

"Yea well hurry up!"

"Janet! You heard them"

"But momma!"


"Ugh finee"

"Well we best be on our way" Michael spoke up yanking me out of my chair

"Michael slow down what is wrong with you" I asked my face full of concern

"It's nothing I'm just"

Michael side Turing me to face him

"Are you sure you even wanna have a baby?"

"Yes why?"

"Because you've always seemed upset whenever someone brings up us having a baby you know you can tell me anything right"

"Well- I'm scared Michael"

"Scared of what?"

"Of having a baby have you heard the stories about dying after having babies better yet while they are!?"

"I knew something was wrong"

"Don't piss me off"

He laughed "Listen if you don't wanna have a baby that's fine okay we don't even have to tell anyone"


My frown turned into a smile


I actually have no ideas so give me
some request pls

 micheal Jackson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now