Chapter 18: Carter

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I'm posting two chapters to make up for last week. Please vote and comment!

I leaned over to tie my shoes as Seth sat beside me, shaking his head into a towel. We were tired and hungry after a long practice today. I was ready to grab some food and pass out in my bed.

"Have you talked to her? You know, to explain what happened?" Seth said, tossing his towel at Patrick from across the room.

"Hey! What gives!?" Patrick goes to throw it back when Eric slapped him on the back of the head.

"Grow the hell up."

Seth, not wanting me to forget, he asked a question, tapped my shoulder. Oh, this boy doesn't give up. He has been asking me for days the same question, and it's still the same answer.

"No, I haven't. I'll do it later." I stood and slipped on my navy blue and gold hoodie with our mascot on it. Seth dent down to tie his shoes.

"The longer you wait to talk with her, isn't going to fix it."

"Look, I know, I don't need you to lecture me about it, okay? I'll take care of it."

Eric walked over to us and held his phone out to me. I looked down at the picture, lighting up the screen. Of course, it's the girl in question; my Bug. Wait, is she sitting on the ground?

"Where is this?" I asked, my voice sounding more rough than usual.

"Right outside, Jackson sent it. He said he didn't know what to do." Eric said, pulling his phone back.

"Now! She's just sitting there?!"

Grabbing my bag, I raced out the door of the lockroom to the parking lot.

"Good luck and use your big boy words!" I heard Seth yell behind me as I mentally flipped him off in my head. Once out into the parking lot, I make my way to my jeep. Just like the photo, there's my I just sitting on the ground, playing on her phone. She must've heard me because she looked up at me as I approached her.

"Get off the ground." My voice is gruff. She just stared back at me as if she were waiting. Waiting for I don't know what, but I was irritated that the guys could just walk out and not one stop to help her.

"I said get up, now." I raised my voice a bit as I reached for her hand. It was like I was holding ice. How long has she been out here?! I pulled her up to her feet.

"No need to be so pushy, I don't need your help getting up." She snapped back real quick. Oh, how I love the little sass that sneaks out from those lips.

"It's cold, and you were sitting on the ground. You are going to get sick."

"I'm fine, doctor, and it wasn't that cold." She said as she put her hands in her pockets. Most likely to warm them.

"How long have you been out here?"

I stepped around her as I unlocked my jeep. I'm hungry and in need of food like ten minutes ago. I opened the back and tossed my bag in.

"Maybe thirty or forty minutes."

I closed my door and opened the passenger door, maybe a little harder than necessary. Now I'm just pissed. She shook her head and reached into her bag. I watched her intently as she pulled out an article of clothing. She held it out to me as I realized that it was my black hoodie I gave her.

"You know when someone holds something out for you, you're supposed to take it."

"No, I don't want it back." She frowned and spoke again.

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