Chapter 1

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Im crazy.

theres no way i cant be either that or-nope not even going to consider that.
ive been having dreams for weeks, their all the same:

I was lying down in a small boat with my twin brother Nico, my big sister Bianca and my mama. we had been there for a few days but it felt like forever, we were leaving Italy to start a new life in America,thats ehat mama said at least. rain was pouring down around us and everything was dark and miserable. waves were splashing the side of the boat and the only things keepig me warm was my coat and the warmth of Nico beside me. I shivered in the cold looking over at Bianca and mama were alseep like Nico. i was the only one awake. a large wave struck the side of the boat tipping me into the frigid water. i opened my mouth to scream and-

and i woke up every time. most of the dreams are like that. some are in italy. from what ive gathered in the dreams it is around 1932 and i-the girl that i see myself as, it obviously cant be me. is named
Mari Di Angelo. she was ten and lived in Italy in 1932 with her twin brother Nico, her big sister Bianca and their mother. their father was dead. they were moving to America to start a better life and thats all i know.

anyway back to the present best not to think of that too much. im walking into school for the morning. its a monday so you know how mondays are.

-time skip brought to you by this dam joke-

its 6th period and i was walking to study hall when i heard footsteps behind me "Hanna! you have to get out of here!" panted my best friend Oliver and he reached me. i stared at him in shock and confusion "what do you mean? why do i have to get out of here!?" this couldnt have anything to do with the dream could it? no i pushed away the thought as Oliver replied. "because-" a loud bang echoed through the air as some sort of monster with a humanoid shape except extremly malnourashed and with a saw like tooth protruding from its head. "of that" Oliver finished. "thats a -" "Aeternae" i finished for him "how did you-?" "i dont know but we should probably run" i said interupting him. how did i know what it was?

and thats the story of how i blew up my school.


HI! im the Auther of this book you can call me Emily i am neither saying nor denying that that is my name! sorry if this was a short chapter or not well written im still getting used to writing on here and this is my first fanfiction, im sure i will be doing so INTENSE editing/rewriting in the future
there isnt going to be and exact schedual for editing this it could be every day it could be twice a day! i will however attemp to at least write once a week if not more.

thanks for reading!


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