Chapter two

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      First off id like too say thank you to the three veiwers who have seen this so far, also from the last chapter if any of y'all dont know what a Aeternae is i can post the link to what it is in the comments. now sorry for wasting al y'alls time with this thingy on with the dam story!

-Flash back dream thing brought to you- --------------------by the fates---------------------

I was falling. thats the only way to describe what was happening as i was weighed down in the water unable to breath choking on my own breath. not that i had any of course. i closed my eyes ready for the end. instead i woke up in a warm room. i looked around me there was a man there with cold onyx eyes. he kind of reminded me of Nico. he opened his mouth like he was talking but i didnt hear a thing. Mari Di Angelo was dead.

i followed Oliver as we ran through the woods away from the school and the monsters. "where are we going" i asked him as we ran my breaths coming in short panting gulps. "to camp" he responded like that answered everything. "camp?" "the only safe place for people like you" he responded to my question. "whoa whoa" i said slowing down to a slow walk. "people like me? whats that supposed to mean" he turned around to face me. "Demigods, Halfbloods. thats what you are half greek god half mortal." "wait so your saying that one of my parents was a greek god." i said emotionlessly. "yes, i know its hard to beleive but-" "no i do beleivie it" i said cutting Oliver off "its just that thats impossible because...i have both my parents." i watched as his eyes widened in shock. i was telling the truth i had both my parents but, well if the dreams are true, im not saying they are! but if they are Mari Di Angelo was missing her dad, was she a demigod? "thats impossible" oliver stuttered breaking me out of my thoughts. there was a noise behind us and he said "we'll figure this out at camp we're almost there" as we rounded the top of the hill past the pine tree two boys came running towreds us. one of them had  blond hair, blue eyes and freckles and the other seemed earily familiar. he had curly black hair and dark onyx eyes and a look of pain in his shattered eyes he looked a bit italian too. suddenly my eyes widened as i realized who he looked like. he looked like Nico Di Angelo.

thats when a blinding light covered me and the last thing i remembered was a rush of memories.

hi its me again the amezing auther!
now probably not many people have read this yet but hopefully more people will sooooo.
also if any of y'all want to do a vote or something of who you want Mari to end up with go ahead. WARNING this aint a romance fanfic so if she does end up with anyone it aint gonna be a big thing got it.

and also if anyone wants to send in OCs for me to put in the story go right ahead bc do you guys know how HARD it is to come up with a whole character!

anyways bye for now


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