-𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕗𝕠𝕪-

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Adhara Potter was admittedly not in the best mood at the moment. Her long, wavy raven hair lightly bounced as she strutted down the corridors of Hogwarts, her lightly dusted freckles on her nose and upper cheeks more visible as the sun shone through the windows onto her face. Her soft and plump-looking lips were turned into a small frown, and her vivid almond-shaped mismatched eyes, the right one blue and the left one green, squinted slightly out of annoyance. Her iconic lightning bolt scar on her forehead was as noticeable as ever. Professor Snape had annoyed her big time today, his insults getting worse and worse. And she needed a break from Muffy and Hermione's constant bickering over their pets. With a sigh, she sat down on a bench in the empty clocktower courtyard. 

She really should have expected Draco Malfoy of all people to show up at the worst possible time, as usual. It seemed like he had a personal goal in life to get under her skin. Though secretly, she knew the real reason why. He had always harbored a secret massive crush on her, but he couldn't show or admit it due to his family's "secret" loyalties remaining with the Dark Lord, Voldemort. And then, there was the whole Slytherin and Gryffindor rivalry. Draco sauntered up to her with a smirk on his face, and she looked back at him with a blank expression, waiting for his taunt of the day. As they stood there, an unexpected tension filled the courtyard, a mixture of their longstanding rivalry and the unspoken feelings neither of them dared to acknowledge. Draco leaned against the stone wall, his trademark smirk in place as he looked at Adhara. 'What's the matter, scar head?' he drawled, his tone laced with a mix of mockery and a hint of something else, something unspoken yet palpable in the air between them. 

His eyes gleamed with a challenging glint, daring her to react, to engage in the familiar banter they had grown accustomed to over the years. He knew he shouldn't be enjoying this as much as he did, but there was something intoxicating about their verbal sparring, something that made the blood rush through his veins. Adhara stood up from the bench, her eyes narrowing at Draco, her annoyance momentarily overridden by a mischievous thought. She opened her mouth to respond to his taunt, but then, something clicked in her mind. A sly smile tugged at her lips, and she tilted her head, relaxing her posture. She knew his true feelings for her, no matter how hard he tried to hide them, and so why not give him a taste of his own medicine. Taking a step closer to Draco, she locked her mismatched eyes onto his and purred, 'Oh, nothing much... just find today to be very...' Her gaze slid sensually over him, and she leaned in closer, lowering her voice to a breathless whisper, '...boring.'

The change in Adhara's demeanor caught Draco off guard, and for a moment, he was at a loss for words. His signature smirk faltered as he tried to process her unexpected response. The tension in the courtyard shifted once again, this time into uncharted territory, and neither of them could predict where this new dynamic would lead. Draco's typically composed facade cracked, his cheeks flushing crimson as Adhara's unexpected shift in demeanor caught him off guard. 'W-What?' he stammered, unable to fully hide his surprise at her sudden change in attitude. Adhara's smile widened as she held his gaze, her eyes dancing with amusement. 'What's the matter, Draco?' she whispered, the use of his first name sending a shiver down his spine. 'Something get your... tongue?' Her voice took on a purring quality, teasing and playful, as she leaned in slightly closer, her breath brushing against his cheek.

Draco's mind raced, his usual quick wit momentarily failing him in the wake of Adhara's unexpected boldness. He struggled to find the right words, his heart pounding in his chest as he attempted to regain his composure. There was an undeniable tension between them, a magnetic pull that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment. Draco felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him as Adhara's delicate fingers brushed against his tie, her touch sending a wave of warmth through his body. He swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry as he struggled to maintain his composure under her tantalizing gaze. She twirled his tie gently with her finger, her touch both playful and alluring. His breath caught in his throat as she whispered, her voice a soft murmur that seemed to reverberate through him. 'Well?' her eyes locked onto his, her expression inviting and daring all at once.

Draco's pulse quickened, and for a moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in the secluded courtyard. He felt a surge of boldness rise within him, emboldened by Adhara's teasing proximity. With a barely noticeable tremor in his voice, he managed to reply, 'Well, what if I do have something on my mind?' He couldn't help the faint quirk of his lips, a mixture of nerves and excitement tugging at the corners of his mouth. He felt a shiver run down his spine as Adhara purred, tugging him closer by his tie, their bodies now only inches apart. He couldn't deny the rush of exhilaration that surged through him, mingling with the nervous energy that pulsed within. 'Oh?' she teased, her voice a sultry whisper that sent a thrill through him. 'And what is that?' Her eyes glimmered with amusement, the corners of her lips curled into an alluring smile that made his heart skip a beat.

Caught in the intoxicating intensity of the moment, Draco met her gaze, his own eyes reflecting a mixture of desire and apprehension. He felt a surge of daring rise within him, emboldening him to meet her challenge with a hint of playful defiance. 'Maybe,' he began, his voice low and tinged with a newfound confidence, 'maybe I've been thinking about something... or someone... quite a bit lately.' He allowed a hint of vulnerability to seep into his tone, baring a sliver of the feelings he had long kept hidden. His heart pounded in his chest as Adhara raised an eyebrow, her gaze locking onto his with an intensity that left him spellbound. He felt a thrill of anticipation mixed with vulnerability, a heady cocktail that kept him on edge. She stopped twirling his tie, and her touch became even more intimate as she reached up to brush some of his hair off his face. Her fingers grazed his skin, and he couldn't help but shiver at her gentle caress. 'And who is that?' she whispered, her voice like a velvet caress, leaving no room for ambiguity in her question.

Draco held her gaze, his own eyes locked onto hers, and in that moment, he decided to be completely honest. The admission hung on the tip of his tongue, a confession he had long kept hidden. 'You,' he admitted in a soft, sincere tone. 'It's you, Adhara.' The weight of unspoken emotions finally found release in his words, and he braced himself for her response. Adhara's nearness was intoxicating, and he found himself barely a breath apart from her. Their noses brushed against each other slightly, sending a thrill down his spine. The world around them seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them in that charged moment. Her words, delivered in a purr that sent a shiver through him, were like a challenge he couldn't resist. 'And what are you gonna do about it?' she whispered, her voice a sultry promise that made his heart race. In that moment, Draco couldn't hold back any longer. With a hint of determination, he closed the remaining gap between them, capturing her lips in a tender, yet passionate kiss. It was a bold move, a declaration of his feelings that had been suppressed for so long. The world may have spun around them, but at that moment, all that mattered was the connection they had finally allowed to flourish.

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