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third point of view

𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐄 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐏 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍, Sam felt as if every breath was being rushed pulled from his body as his eyes darken, feeling the undeniably wet spot on Catherine's underwear.

The man finally pushed passed his breaking point as he swiftly pulled her forwards by her neck, smashing her lips against his own as he lightly began rubbing on her covered cunt.

Their mouths moving together roughly almost without rhythm as they made out, their tongues encompassing each other as they buried them in the other's mouth.

Before Sam pulled back, but only for a moment instead dipping his head towards Catherine's neck, licking and sucking up the side of it as he pulled his hand back before reaching it underneath her underwear.

"Nnnmm-Sam." She whimpered as she felt his warm bare fingers brushing straight up against her trimmed cunt, his fingers quickly drawing large circles on her click.

Causing a shiver to run down her spine as a whine left her mouth, the feeling of his tongue running along her neck causing a gasp to leave her lips.

One of her hands coming to grip the one Sam had stuck into her pants, the other laid against his chest gripping at his dress shirt.

Panting as Sam's lips sucked and bit at her neck, nibbling a dark red hickey onto the side of her neck before he trailed his lips lower.

Down until he reached the collar of her dress that allowed her breast to spill just enough to entice the eye, Sam leaning away after coming face to face with Catherine's chest.

"Taste so fucking sweet, sugar." Sam  muttered loving the taste of her on his tongue as he stood back to his full height, looking down on the girl as he brought his fingers.

Slowly and gently easing his ring and middle fingers inside of her, relishing in the way her body quivered and squeeze tightly onto him.

Even her sopping cunt was gripping his fingers, almost forcing his large extremities, which were a striking contrast from her own, out of her as he began to move his fingers inside her.

"Ahhh!" She cried out before biting into the bottom of her lip roughly to silence her noise whilst spreading her legs wider for Sam.

"Shit." Sam moaned at the mere sight of her scrunched up face as she bit into her lip, her hands gripping his dress shirt tightly in her fist.

His other hand coming back to the Catherine's hip, forcing her so close to him that not even a piece of paper cause based between them.

The sudden repositioning causing Catherine to the hand that wasn't holding Sam's wrist around the man's neck, a loud whimper leaving her mouth as her leg started to shake.

"Oh my god, Sam." She squeaked lowly as she buried her face into Sam's shirt, trying her best to stay quiet knowing they weren't in the home alone.

Although with the way Sam's fingers were moving inside of her, she was starting to forget about everything other than him.

The feeling of his fingers inside of her, of his body pressed so close to her, his hand that was pulling her even closer, just the combined thought caused a new wave of arousal to leave her.

"Fuck I can feel you squeezing me, sugar," Sam spoke as he leaned down again, licking another strip from her collarbone to the bottom of her ear. "you wanna cum, huh?"

Nodding her head profusely as she kept it buried in Sam's shirt to hide the whines that left her mouth at a mile a minute, she could feel it tightening inside her.

"Please, please, please." She begged not being able to do anything else, but plead and beg for her releases she held onto him like a lifeline.

However before Sam could deny or allow his quivering imprint her release, the sound of three knocks to the bathroom room door caused both of them to freeze.

"Shit-fuck." Sam cursed wildly as he turned his head towards the door, pausing his fingers inside of Catherine causing a small whine to leave her lips.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I have a few other listings to get to after this." Michelle's overly cheerly voice rang from the other side of the door, followed by the sound of her knuckled wrapping against the door again.

Turning towards the door in order to talk to and placate the woman on the other side, Sam's movement were stopped before they were slightly attempted.

Catherine's hand keeping the older man's fingers inside of her, the girl letting out a small moan that sounded so loud to Sam's ear.

Before she quickly attached her lips onto Sam's, pulling him into a dizzying blinded tongue kiss which after a second of shock the man quickly reciprocated.

Pushing himself further into the small woman in his arm nearly pulling her off of her feet as he wrapped his left arm fully around her.

Using his large hand to raise Catherine's left leg, pushing it over his hip as he stepped forwards keeping her spread with his two fingers knuckles deep inside of her.

"Don't stop," She begged her eyes blown wide as she broke from their kiss, however not for long as Sam's lips eagerly chased her own. "Sam."

At the sound of his name once again wantonly leaving her lips, a growl of reciprocation left Sam, his entire chest rumbling as his eye darkened two shades.

"Mr. and Mrs. Uley?" Michelle's voice came back followed by another three knocks, quickly causing the couple to realize she wasn't;r gonna leave them alone if they didn't answer.

Quickly letting go of Catherine's leg, Sam ignored the whine that left her lips as he began to fix her dress, even pulling her underwear up her quivering legs.

"Open." He spoke as he grabbed a hold of her jaw, causing the pouting bunny to quickly open her mouth wide, although her mouth was quickly filled by Sam's  fingers.

The very two that had just a moment ago so deep inside her now stuffed so far that if she had a sensitive gag reflex she would have done so loud enough to draw Michelle's attention.

"Suck." Sam instructed strictly watching as Catherine hollowed her cheeks, sucking her own juices off of his fingers whilst a deep red blush filled her cheeks.

"Sam?" Emily's voice came from the other side of the door letting the pair know that Michelle wasn't the only one on the other side of the door.

"Get them to go away," Sam spoke with a roll of his eyes as he took a step closer to the girl forcing her to keep eye contact with his fingers in her mouth. "and I might not just fuck you so hard they find out how much of a slut you are."

At his words, Catherine didn't expect the way her heartbeat sped up and the need pooling at the bottom of her stomach only began to boil over.

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