chapter 5

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At bakery ~

Maliha was setting on the chair near her cafe's see through glass with coffee in her hand, Manha entered the cafe and sat in front of her, hurry up we will be late Irha might be waiting said manha , Maliha offered her coffee and cupcakes saying let it be first complete your coffee till then I will clean things up, saying so Maliha left manha alone, after a while Maliha came back even manha was done drinking her coffee they both locked the cafe and message Irha on the way going to her academy,
They were at dorm now

~Anonymous pov ~
They have their dinner together talking about the day they spend everyone have different day because they do different work though they live together,
Irha; guys I have something to tell, she said clapping her hands together.
I found that guy I said about earlier, Irha said showing us his picture.
Whoz he when did this happen, asked Maliha being confused
You people didn't listen to me that day I was being serious and you two were making fun of me, says Irha
Where was I then You didn't said me anything, asked Aqsa
Irha;Ahh! You were not here, I forgot to tell you, see tell me how is he, Irha showed them his picture once again
Good, said manha coldly, he? Heeee? WTF Maliha shouted taking his pictures from Irha hand
HEY? Why what's your problem said, irha snatching picture from Maliha's hand
He is underground criminal idiot how could you like someone like him, said Maliha in annoyance
Everyone looked at Irha with shocked expression
Irha;Shutup you might got him wrong he might be another guy
No I can't be wrong, I know everything about him, his name his saad right, Maliha asked
Yes, but-- Irha face was down now
As long as you like him it doesn't matter, if he is criminal or something, manha said
Yeah, Aqsa too agreed.
Now everyone was looking at Maliha
Why I'm not against him I just said so because I don't want Irha to get involved in any kind of trouble, said Maliha
Then what's your plan how are you going to confess him or how are you taking things ahead, asked Aqsa
I don't I have no idea what too do, says Irha
Maliha; one more thing he don't talk to anyone and don't even allow someone to approach him, even that side chicks who secretly follow him and even tried to approach him many times,
He just ignored them, there is a rumor that he use to love someone and got cheated so he is like this,
Irha was surprised, her mouth was hanging wide
Irha; bitch you know many things about him can't you help me find him I was so impatient before
Everyone in room laughed
Irha; it's ok I will make sure he knows that got everyone leaves
Wish me luck
Good luck, rest three said together
But there is a problem, irha said
What, asked manha
I don't know how to start a conversation I will mess things up, you guys tell me what to do
Start with friendship, Aqsa said
Yeah that's a good Idea, irha smiled
Come on now let's sleep I'm tired, Maliha yawn

Next day

Irha was waiting for saad after college
Irha; where is he, I have searched whole damn university for him.
Saad came out from baseball court in his black hoodie as always earphones plugged walking like he doesn't care of anyone's existence, he was going towards college building, irha followed him
Saad stared climbing the stairs
Irha; why is he not using elevator god I can't climb now
Now they were at Terrace
Saad got suspicious he saw someone following him but was not aware of irha he thought it is someone whoz trying to harm him so when he came up he hide immediately behind the door
Irha; where is he I jus---- Aa Aaaa
Saad pin Irha on wall behind her trying to choke her, Irha was stunned seeing saad from this close she was lost in his eyes,
But Saad's grip was tight around her throat so she was feeling suffocated she started hitting saad arm to leave her saad understand and loosen his grip
Irha; *While coughing* what the-- *coughing*
Saad ignored her and come near the rails wall of terrace and sat climbing on it
Irha; Hey, where it your apology, you just killed me now
Saad saw her from side eyes again ignoring her
I'm talking to you, said irha trying to climb the wall
Saad; Don't come here go away leave me alone
Why can't I came here this is college property not yours, said irha still trying to climb
Irha; hey at least help me to reach there can't you see I'm struggling
Saad, That's your problem, and please stop asking me things don't disturb me now
Saad was sitting peacefully listening music,
But irha wants to sit on railing wall too
So irha pulled Saad's hoodie so she can climb up
Saad; hey! Don't do that I will fall stOop

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