Chapter 9

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You sure you don't want me to kick him out" Delano asked and I shook my head no.

"No they can stay if I did it would look like I still care"

"Do you?" he eyed me.

"I don't know I mean of course I'm over him I–"

"So what exactly did happen between the two of you?" he had a concerned look on his face.

"We were engaged for a while before I found out he cheated on me with his best friend and leaked the video on Twitter."

"Damn and the best friend is who he's with right now?" he pointed over at the bar.

"Yeah... and she's pregnant with his child"

"He's a pussy" Delano got up from his chair without another word.

"Where are you going?" I shouted

"To give the pussy what he deserves" he told me heading over to the bar.

"Wait-" I heavily sighed chasing after him.

"What's going on?" Kay stopped me by pulling on my arm.

A serious of gasps echoed around the room and both our heads turned when we heard glasses hit the floor.

I covered my mouth in shock

There was a pile of blood on the floor where Ayo was getting dragged continuous blows to his face.

"Yo chill out" two guys tried pulling Delano off of him but  he was stronger than the both of them combined and pushed them off him.

Some people had there phones out and some were clearing the area.

"Yo what's happening?" AJ and Nae appeared by our side. Her hair looked messy and her dress lopsided while AJ's shirt was unbutton leaving his bare chest.

I looked at Nae but she was avoiding eye contact

"Your brother beating up Trinity's ex" Kay spoke.

"What!" AJ's eyes widened with amusement behind them.

"SOMEBODY HELP!" Lydia screamed balling her eyes out.

"EVERYONE CLEAR THE AREA!" a whole team of security guards pushed through the crowd.

They tried to restrain Delano but he kept resisting. "Fucking piece a shit!" he spitted.

Sone random guy checked for a pulse on Ayo's neck. He was knocked out clean. "He's still alive but losing a lot of blood."

"Excuse me while I go sort out this situation" Ayo walked off.

The sounds of police sirens created havoc amongst people trying to get out the club and almost resulted in me getting knocked over as well.

"C'mon Trin we gotta go" Kay grabbed my hand.

" I have to go see if–"

"Trin I'm sure I don't wanna get arrested much less you so let's go" she tugged on my arm harder.

"Ok" I followed her out the club.


"The guy is pressing charges and Delano is down at the police station right now. They are keeping him locked up till we can post bail." Nylah told me.

"How much is the bail money?"

"Ten thousand"

My eyes widened

"This is all my fault" I sighed.

"Sure is he wouldn't be in this mess because of you. And with the club shut down for now I don't know when I'll be able to get the full money."

"There's no need I could try and talk to my ex fiancé and see if he can drop the charges" I suggested feeling guilty.

It's the least I could do

"He better or else all this drama is only going to get worse on social media plus we've been getting bad reviews about Genesis and it hasn't even been a day yet."

"Ok I'll talk to him then I'll get back to you." I told her getting up out the office chair. "What time are we meeting on Monday?"

Genie called it off and you're no longer needed according to him he only wants close people that he trusts by his side."

"Wait what?" I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion. I thought he and I were making progress.

I guess I'll have to go pay him a visit myself as well

"You're free to go" Nylah shooed me.

I mugged her before walking out the office.


"What is she doing here? You invited her here " Lydia eyed me as I walked into the hospital room.

Ayo then turned his head and we made eye contact. I grimaced at the hideous cuts and bruises on his face.

"I'll go get you some more water baby " Lydia made eye contact with me as she kissed him then stood up from the chair beside the hospital bed and as she was about to walk past she bumped my shoulder. "Leave before I call the cops on you too"

"Tuh" I mugged her rolling my eyes.

I walked up to the bed slowly taking in the room.

"You're the last person I'd expect to see here" Ayo broke the silence.

"I still have a heart" I told him

"What are you doing here?"

"To see if you're ok" I said, honestly because it was kinda my fault.

"No you trying to convince me to drop the charges against your lil boyfriend." he said, chuckling.

He was naive but not stupid. He always could read me from a mile away.

"No" I lied

"Trin I can smell the guilt off you right now. You don't give a fuck about me admit it"

"That's not true you're still a human being"

"Right" he laughed. "It's ok Trin I deserve what I got after what I did to you... I'm sorry that you found out like that and honestly I was gonna tell you... I was waiting for the right time–"

"Please don't" I held up a hand. I don't want to hear it.

"You still have on the ring" his eyes widened a little.

I quickly put my hand down.

"Well it's a nice ring" I shrugged my shoulders

"Yeah it is. It was your mother's first choice... and mine" he smiled

"Wait what?" my jaw opened

"I was looking for a birthday present online to give to you and your mom requested a website so I checked it out and I found the perfect diamond ring. It was way out of my price range but I told her that if I was to propose one day that that was the ring and she agreed."

Tears came to my eyes

" I made a mistake Trin and I'm so sorry and I regret everything" his eyes turned down.

"Then prove it you're really sorry. Drop the charges against him."

"Trin c'mon you know I can't"

"If you're really sorry for hurting me you will." I nodded my head.

Ayo nodded his head.

"I have to go" I quickly exited the room.


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