Chapter 21

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"You see those people you were doing business with well they work for me and I believe you still owe me the twenty grand you stole."

"So what? You thought ambushing me then kidnapping me gonna work?" I remarked

"Oh nooo" he laughed. "This is the least"

"I can get the money to you by the end of September. I just need some mo–"

"Time? So the time you spent cruising states wasn't enough time for you to get me my money?"

I clenched my teeth

"Doug!" he motioned with his hand

The next thing I knew I felt a blow to my right cheek.

I laughed

They think riling me up will make me talk. That's a sorry mistake.

"No keep them coming" I laughed

"Do what he says Doug" the man said and I felt another blow to my chest.

"Maybe when he's tired and weak then he'll be able to talk"

As the minutes went by I received punches after punches until baldy decided he was fed up and left the room.

No much long after that the door opened again and I pursed my lips preparing for another set of punches.

"Oh my god what did they do to you" Renae came rushing to my side.

"Renae?" I lifted my head up.

"Yes it's me. We got to get you out of here" she started tugging on the tight ropes around my injured body.

I yelped when she touch an open wound on my arm.

"Wait no are you ok? Did they hurt you?" my eyes grazed over all parts of her body.

"No I'm fine the men have been treating me very good"

"What are you doing here?" I scrunched my eyebrows.

"We don't have much time and they don't know I'm here. I've been observing the place for days now and I think I might've found a way out."

"No Renae they'll kill you!"

"Just keep listening and be on their good side. These men are dangerous Renae. I'm in some deep shit right now."  

"Didn't you just hear me I said I found a way out. We can be out of this place by morni–"

"Renae listen to me! Call your sister and tell her that she was right about everything and to tell my brother.

I didn't want to get him involved but right now I have no choice.

"They took all my belongings but I'll try" she nodded her head

"Ok hurry up and go before they catch you" I told her

Renae nodded her head then ran to the door.


"That's the baby's foot and its arms" the doctor pointed at the screen as she moved the medical equipment around my belly.

"Aww so cute oh my god" I covered my mouth. Now it's really hitting me that I have a tiny human growing inside of me.

"Before I continue would you like to know the baby's gender?"



Ayo and I answered at the same time and the lady looked between the both of us.

"I wanted it to be like a surprise for the baby shower" I looked up at Ayo.

"Yeah but I'd like to buy the right clothes for the baby. Ima spoil him so much." Ayo smiled

"I mean you guys don't have to decide now. Y'all got lots of future appointments together." the lady interrupted


"That cool with me" Ayo said and I nodded my head

"Mmm fair enough" I agreed


"Wow not even I could afford this for one night" I adored the mansion in front of my eyes.

"I thought he rented out like a lil space or something he must really be taking this grand opening seriously." Kya agreed.

"Yeah it's all he been talking about"

I looked at the time on my phone

"My legs feel like they about to fall off" Jya groaned

It was almost 3 pm and he isn't here yet

"Maybe he doing something important why he running late."

"Girl what's important more than us?"

"Can I help you guys" the front door unexpectedly opened revealing a beautiful woman who looked to be in her late twenties.

"Uh who are you?" Kya eyed the woman

"Mama when daddy coming back" a little boy ran up to her. He hid behind her body when he made eye contact with the both of us.

"I could ask you the same thing" she looked us up and down.

"We were told to meet up here maybe they sent us the wrong address. Sorry to bother you" I gave her tight smile.

I put Delano on speed dial

"Hey you sure you sent us the correct address?"

"Yeah why?"

"Cuz some woman apparently lives there which you didn't tell us about."

"I told y'all to wait for me back at your apartment." he sighed

"Well it ain't my fault" I shrugged my shoulders.

I just got dragged along

"I'll be there in ten minutes. Just don't make conversation with the woman" he told me

"Ok?" I then hanged up the phone

Don't make conversation???

"He said he's on his way" I told Kya who nodded her head.

" You guys want to come in?" the woman asked us and Kya nodded her head.

"Yes please my legs are about to fall off."

"Sure" I replied and she moved to the side to let us in. Probably not a good especially since she's a stranger but Kya was right my legs were about to fall off.

I don't have a clue as to what going on, but Delano got some explaining to do on why this woman at the air bnb he rented out.


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