2. The crush

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After you and Sarah went to your respective classes. You saw seo-min your good friend..he waved at you and you waved him back..he came to you..

Seo-min:- Hey y/n!

Y/n:-ohh hey min!
Seo-min:- we have our first class together!

Y/n:- ohh jjinja(really).. let's go then.

Then you both entered your English classroom. Seo-min and you both sat together and your first class started..you were making notes and that's when seo-min cracked a joke that made you laugh. But a pair of burning eyes were watching you.

Time skip(after class ended):-
  You just said bye to seo-min. Now, you were outside of the college and waiting for your driver to pick you up.
  That's when Jungkook saw you and walked towards you.

Jungkook:- hey y/n!

Y/n:- hey.

Jungkook:- Are you waiting for someone?

Y/n:- Yeah my driver is going to pick me up.

Jungkook:- ohh!

Jungkook:- well, y/n are you free today?

Y/n:- umm..no actually why do you ask?

Jungkook:- It's nothing. I just want to have coffee with you.

Y/n:- ohh sorry about that.

Jungkook:- It's fine. We'll have coffee some other time.

Y/n:- yeah.

You heard your car's horn and your car stopped infront of you.

Y/n:- ok bye then.

Jungkook:- yaa byee..

Jungkook watched you as you sat inside the car. You looked at him through the window and he waved at you. You waved him back.

Your POV:-
The hell!? Why is he being so nice to me? Well, I have never seen him disrespecting me though..he is always good towards me. But he'd never asked me if I'm free or not. ohh the hell what I'm even thinking!

You reached your home. When you entered your house your mother was infront of you already.

Y/m:-  Go and get freshen up and we'll eat lunch together.

Y/n:- Haven't you both eaten? Mom I've told you numerous times don't wait for me..wait I'll be back in 10 minutes.(you said annoyed)

Y/m:- Shouldn't you eat together with your parents sometimes?

Y/n:- hmm but mom what about your health? You should have lunch at the right time naaa..

Y/m:- hmm see who is saying..who don't even know when is the right time to eat meals.

Y/n:- Ok ok mom.. I'll be back in 10 minutes.

Then you went to your room to get changed to comfortable clothes.

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