„Serial Killer"

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"A really dangerous serial killer is on the loose lately! Be sure to lock all your windows and doors and not to go out at night! If you see a boy similar to this picture, contact the nearest authorities immediately!"

The News reporter showed a picture of a masked boy with crystal blue eyes, black hair and a small silver piercing on his eyebrow.

I turned of the TV and smiled at my brother.

His Crystal blue eyes matched perfectly with his black hair and his silver piercing...

I smiled at him as I tightened the rope that tied his arms up.

"Now they'll never believe you're innocent..."

My grim grew as I saw the fear in my brothers eyes grew..
He knew that the police will now think he was the one who killed all those people hidden in my basement...
I'll go call the police now and then I'll wait until they're here so I can untie my brother..

They'll never get me...

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