Chapter Five

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Okay this is literally as far as I've written so far so I'm not sure when the next bit will be out? Hopefully in a few days? But yee! This particular chapter is dedicated to sitabethel (AO3) because of the cancer joke. My mum died from it when I was 18 and cancer/dead mom jokes have become my humour, so I've been DYING to put the same joke in one of my fics, and now it finally is.

CW: Cancer joke (obviously), drinking, making out in public space, rough sex (bondage, choking, biting, mild general masochism/sadism, oral), AFAB terms used for Ryou's genitalia.

NOTE: Please be safe when trying kink. Asking someone to tie you up and choke you on the first date really isn't safe outside of fanfiction.


Malik groaned and dragged a hand through his hair. He'd given up on translating the Mesopotamian tome for the day at the break, but reviewing his accounts for Rishid wasn't drawing his attention any more than the thick book had. He glanced at the clock. Only eleven forty. He was half tempted to skip the end of the day. After a night of tossing in bed, his fingers itched at the thought of spending the day in the sun on his balcony with a nice book and a glass of wine instead, but he knew he wouldn't.

He turned back to his computer, doing his best not to skip lines as he read through his expenses. He wasn't entirely sure why Rishid wanted him to double-check it - his numbers were never wrong - but at least it meant Malik had an excuse not to be in the brightly lit but windowless archive. That was a lie. He knew exactly why Rishid was having him look over the expense account - to keep Malik busy, so he didn't spiral.

A knock at the door had him rushing to start typing again. "I'm almost done, Rishid!"

The door opened, only when Malik looked up, it wasn't his brother, but Ryou with a sheepish smile and two coffees. "Morning."

Malik blinked. "What are you doing? We finished up yesterday."

"We did," Ryou confirmed, "but I felt like I owed you a coffee after last night." He walked closer to Malik's desk and carefully placed one of the cups down. "Vanilla dark roast with almond milk."

Malik huffed out a chuckle and took a sip. "I still think you must have asked Rishid about my coffee orders," he mumbled.

Ryou's smile relaxed a little. "I really didn't."

"I know," Malik whispered. He chose to stare at the lid on his cup instead of Ryou. It was easier.

After a moment, Ryou cleared his throat. "I know it's early, but... d'you want to go for lunch? My treat."

Malik considered it, glancing at his screen. "Sure. As long as it's nearby." Malik closed the account and sent it back to Rishid with a 'looks good' before grabbing his jacket and standing. "Where do you want to go?"

"Maybe the ramen place down the street?" Ryou suggested. "They have good vegetarian options."

"I'll take your word for it," Malik said.

He and Ryou took the elevator and walked to the restaurant in silence. They dumped their empty coffee cups outside and went up to the counter to order. It was only when they were sitting, fiddling with their fingers and cups of water, that Ryou finally spoke.

"I'm... sorry about last night."

Malik's gaze flickered up to him. "What do you mean?"

Ryou shook his head, staring at the table instead of Malik. "For snapping at you and leaving. I know you were just trying to help." He let out a slow breath and fell silent for a moment, but Malik didn't cut in. "I... have some friends, more Yugi's friends really, and they baby me. Relentlessly. They know I was bullied back home, and they saw the same thing start to happen here, and they got very protective. They always insisted they were trying to help, but it felt like they didn't think I could look after myself, you know?"

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