Ƙσɾҽα Αɳԃ Ƙαɳყαƙυɱαɾι

446 40 76

•|Ƙσɾҽα & Ƙαɳყαƙυɱαɾι|•

Yn and taehyung were roaming through the village area.. To get a suitable place to stay.. But.. Every where.. There news was spreaded like virus..

Tae: ohh ghwad.. I'm so tired *takes deep breath* it's all because of you Yn!!

He said pointing his index finger to you..

You raised your eyebrows..

Yn: me!? You mean Me!? HAAAHH WHO was the ONE who took me away from my marriage ceremony *she said sarcastically*

Tae: haaa so what that's other thing..I-i can't see u marring someone else.. You're mine!! *he whined*

Soo the thing is that.. Taehyung Kim came to india to attend business function.. And in that function he met you!! And unconsciously both of you fell for each other.. Butt.. Him being non religious and from other country.. Your father declined your marriage to him.. And fixed it to his friend's son.. So he kidnapped you from your marriage.. But your father being don.. He spreaded his men all over.. So you guys can't even go to hotel.. So now you are searching place to live in.. For some time..

Tae: ughh.. I'm tried.. Let's go.. You will follow me.. What if someone came and tried to take u away..

He said and started moving to the wrong side..

Yn: Ohh Mr Hero.. You are taking wrong side.. *points right* this is sahi gali.. *points left* uss taraf thangabali

Tae gluped and laughed awkwardly..

Tae: i-i know baby.. Let's go now.. I'll follow you jaan *smiles innocently*

You rolled your eyes and started moving as he followed you being embarrassed

After a while the "suraj hua maddham.. Chand jalne laga" And there you found a village which was lit up with festive atmosphere..

There people looked friendly and no one pointed you out.. And found out who you are..

Yn: let's go here.. I think they will let us in.. I'll talk to them..

Tae: no no.. You won't.. I'll talk to them.. Or idk what lies you will say..

Yn: ohh.. So do u know tamil!!? *smiles sarcastically*

Tae: yess babygirl.. It's so easy.. Enjjum kujjum kumm.. Enjjun punnjhum kumm.. *he fliped his hair back*

You looked at him weirdly

Yn: sseoseok kyeojjoyo!

His face which was having proud smile fell.. As he looked at you with big eyes..

Tae: you know korean??

Yn: tch.. Jab tum Tamil bol sakti.. Mai korean nhi bol sakti!? Of course I know korean language too.. I'm fan of hwang in yeop..

Tae: oyeee I'm your boyfriend?!!?

Yn: ha so what.. *you rolled your eyes and went to them*

Time skip..

Aunty: you can live in this room..

You smiled

Yn: thank you aunty..

She smiled and carresed your head..

Aunty: may God bless you both..

She said looking at you and taehyung.. As he smiled back..

Aunty: acha child listen.. Tomorrow we have one ritual which all newly weds do.. It will be great if you both will join.

𝙆𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙆𝙖𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙯.. // 𝙆𝙩𝙝 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now