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On the lake

Amy and Andrea are fishing out in a boat. 'What?'

Andrea shakes her head. 'Nothing.'

Amy rolls her eyes. 'It's not nothing. It's always something.'

'Didn't dad teach you to tie nail knots?' Andrea asks.

Amy is puzzled. 'Why would he do that? He only ever used a fisherman's knot. One knot.'

'No, he didn't. No, he tied at least three.' Andrea tells.

Amy gives her a look. 'Clinch knots? No way.'

'Fine, I'm making it up. Did dad teach you mostly dry lures?' Andrea wanders.

Amy nods. 'Yeah. You?'

'Wet.' Andrea replies.

Amy smiles. 'You're kidding. But he was always so adamant. I mean, you know dad on the fishing thing.'

'Gee, you think? I only spent my entire childhood with my ass in a boat. But in my day it was all about getting the hook seated. We were fishing for the dinner table.' Andrea relays.

Amy shakes her head. 'Not us. We always threw them back. Always.'

'I guess he changed things up.' Andrea shrugs.

Amy ponders a moment. 'But that'd be like changing his religion or something.'

'People change. It's not his fault we were born 12 years apart.' Andrea reminds her.

Amy frowns. 'No. No, because the minute you went off to college it was my ass in that boat and he taught me dry lures from day one. This was not behaviour developed over time.'

'You think he did it for us?' Andrea looks at her.

Amy's voice catches. 'Because he knew we were so different. He knew that you needed to catch the fish and I needed to throw them back.'

'All right, remember his rule: No crying in the boat. It scares the fish.' Andrea jokes.

Amy looks down. 'Mom and dad… I mean, maybe Florida wasn't hit so bad. Maybe it's better there. Do you think?'

'I think you have a bite. Even with the wrong knots.' Andrea states.

Amy laughs. 'Oh God. So much for the no crying rule.'

'I think that was more for dad than the fish.' Andrea smiles.

The two girls smile.


-At camp-

Dale stands on top of the RV to keep watch for Walkers. He sees Jim over in the bushes digging holes. He realizes that Jim has been at it for quite awhile.

Jim has dug several separate holes.



In Atlanta, T-Dog, Daryl, Glenn, Lillian and Rick still stare at Merle's severed hand. Daryl turns his crossbow on T-Dog to kill him.

Rick pulls out his Python. 'I won't hesitate. Even if your Lilly's friend. I don't care if every walker in the city hears it.'

Lillian places her hand on Daryl's crossbow. 'Daryl, T-Dig made a mistake. But he fixed it. He changed the door to give Merle a fighting chance. Not many people I know would've done that after what Merle said. I'm not asking you to forgive him. I'm asking you to think about all he's done to make it right since.'

Daryl's eyes stares into Lillian's and he sighs knowing she's right. He lowers the crossbow. 'You got a do-rag or something?'

T-Dog hands him one and Daryl picks up Merle's severed hand that is already decaying. 'I guess the saw blade was too dull for the handcuffs. Ain't that a bitch.'

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