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Mateo kept talking to Julio about their mom giving him away. "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW LUCKY YOU ARE TO BE LOVED. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE!" Mateo screamed. "That's not my fault. I did nothing to you" Julio replied. Julieta is running through the village to find the two boys. Mateo got up and punched Julio through a wall. "I'm sorry for what happened to you," Julio apologized. "You're not sorry at all!" Mateo said. "I am sorry, but I can't fix any of that. It wasn't my decision, " Julio said. "Not even our own mom could say sorry before she was killed." Mateo said. "How do you know she was killed?" Julio asked. "Because I killed her" Mateo explained. "You... WHAT?!!!" Julio screamed. Julio was furious he ran up to Mateo, pinned him to a wall, and started landing as many punches as he could. Mateo couldn't fight back. Julio slammed Mateo into the ground, causing the ground to shake. The entire village felt the rumble.

"What was that?" Alma asked. "I don't know, but I don't think it's good," Felix said. Julieta saw Julio letting out all his rage, Ok Mateo. "Julio!" Julieta yelled. Julio ignored her and continued to hurt Mateo. "Julio, stop!" Julieta said as she grabbed Julio. "Let go of me!" Julio yelled. "I need help with these two!" Julieta yelled. "Tia Julieta said she needs help." Dolores said. The entire family cane out to help. Pepa saw Julieta struggle to hold down Julio. So Pepa helped restrain Julio. While Luisa went over to Mateo to restrain him. "You don't understand what he did!" Julio yelled. "It's ok, let all the anger," Pepa said softly. "I can't believe you killed our mom!" Julio yelled. "She shouldn't have gotten rid of me" Mateo taunted. Julio struggled to break free. Luisa had no problem with Mateo. "Who are you guys anyway?" Mateo asked. "My new family" Julio taunted back.

Mateo and Julio were both furious. Julio broke free and started to sprint towards Mateo, but Isabella stopped him by grabbing his legs with vines. "You can't escape these vines. I'm sorry," Isabella said. Mateo struggled to escape from Luisa. "You can't escape me either. I'm too strong for you" Luisa said. "What are we gonna do?" Julieta asked. "Mateo, you said your mother abandoned you?" Alma asked. "That's right," Mateo agreed. "And you don't know why?" Alma questioned. "Yes, what are you getting at?" Mateo asked. Julio caught on to Almas idea. "I can go into the past to see why she abandoned you," Julio said.

"You'd do that? For me?" Mateo asked in curiosity. "If I do, will you stop trying to attack me?" Julio asked. Mateo nodded. "Ok, we're gonna let both of you go. Don't hurt each other" Julieta said. So both the boys agreed. Luisa and Isabella let go of both the boys. Julio got prepared to take Julio into the past. "Take my hand" Julio said. Mateo took julios hand and they went into the past.

(Flashback 7 years ago)

An woman has given birth to 2 boys. We can't keep them both. "It's there future we both die" the father said. "We have to keep one and have someone else raise the other." The mother said. "It is how it's supposed to be. "There's no avoiding it" the father said. The mother looked down at both boys and started to shed a tear. "It'll be alright," the father said. The father knocked on a door. "Yes?" A young woman said. "It's time" the father said. "Ok" the young woman said. The father then kissed his son on the forehead. "Good luck, son. I love you," the father said sadly


Both the boys started to cry, but the madrigals don't know why. "Julio,Mateo, what's wrong?" Pepa asked. "It was our future. There was no avoiding it," Mateo explained. "What was?" Julieta asked. "Me coming into the Encanto and trying to kill my brother," Mateo explained. "Why?" Dolores asked. "I don't know it was just the future. I was never physically loved by my mom and dad." Mateo explained. "Our dads last words were I love you, mateo." Julio replied. The boys continued to cry. Julieta went to hug and comfort the two boys. Tears were running down julietas' apron. "It's ok, let all the tears out, boys," Julieta said softly. Pepa then started to hug the boys, then everyone else. "You can stay here too, Mateo," Alma said. Mateo stopped crying. "Really?" Mateo asked. Alma nodded her head. "Mateo, I'm sorry for harming you," Julio said. "I'm sorry for everything. I didn't know it was our future," Mateo replied. The two boys hugged each other. "Let's get you two patched up," Julieta said with a smile.

The madrigals then went into the village and started to repair the damage the two boys had caused. After about 6 hours of hard work, the village was complete. The family then went to Casita, where Julieta and Julio have prepared dinner and with that the madrigals ate dinner together.

The end
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