Mr Borges- our First Convo

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Mr. Borges was one of the coolest teachers, and I found myself admiring him often. I'd even think of him and what he does before going to sleep.. and some of our interactions were so electrifying to me.

Everyday when I started with his class.. I found myself looking my best. Or at least trying to..

It was small things I did. Not just because he was so cool.. but because I started to gain a tiny crush on him. Everyday he said, "Hey Isac. Read the board." I'd do just that, and behave. I wanted him to like me.

I started to feel embarrassed whenever he didn't pay attention to me.. so now here I am. Trying my best to start a conversation.

"Hey, Mr. Borges. How are you?" God that sounded a bit off key.. I'm really nervous right now I don't know why.. he makes me nervous.

Mr Borges responded quite bland, "I'm good. How was your weekend?"

He wanted to know more about me and what I liked.. ok good start. I'm doing good. Woo!!

"Well.. quite boring. I did meet my friends at a nearby park and well, I enjoyed myself." I said with a simple shrug. I feel like.. I'm being quite awkward. Mr Borges just smiled.

I awkwardly shuffled back to my seat.. I'm doing good. No? Hopefully I am.
Shortly afterwards, the bell rung. I still needed to pack up, so after closing my computer and starting to put my stuff away, Mr Borges came by. I swear I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.. and oh my god he was helping me. Such a gentleman!!

Once I was all packed up, I thanked him. Oh my.. today was a day to remember!!

isac x mr borges Where stories live. Discover now