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This story has eating disorder in it. If your not comfortable skip this imagine.

Last warning

{ your pov }

I was downstairs in Chris's room laying in his bed. When all of a sudden the door had opened.

"Hey, we made dinner, you hungry?"

Chris had said as he came over to the bed. I then shook my head

"Ok, well make sure you do eat something"

"I will"

I said as he gave me a kiss on my head. Once he left I laid down, and tried to go to sleep.

{ a week later }

Its been a week since the last time I ate. Me and Chris was in the kitchen talking while they was make food. After about 20 minutes he got done cooking.

Chris then got two bowls out. Setting them down while and put the pasta in the bowl. Then sat the food in front of me and one in front of him.

I then grabbed my fork and started poking at it. After about a couple minutes Chris had notice.

"Is it not good?"

He asked putting his fork down

"No it's not that, I'm just not hungry right now"

"Y/n.. I haven't seen you eat anything all week"

I then looked up at him as my eyes started to tear up a little bit. He then walked around the table and pulled me into a hug. We stayed like that for about 5 minutes before I calmed down.

"Hey, I have you even ate all week"

I shook my head

"Okay, what about this we can start off small and work our way up. How's that sound?"

I then nodded my head. He then stood up and sat in the chair next to me. I then picked my fork back up and took a small bit.

The whole time he was cheering me on. I took about 7 bits before I was finished.

"Look at you I'm so proud"

He said while smiling real hard, he then pulled me into a hug once more

"I'm proud of you"

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