01. Say Goodbye

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March 5, 2001

A tall, slender man stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame; using one hand to give a light knock announcing his presence, and the other reaching for the cigarette that rested between his lips.

His knock went ignored.

He lingered in the doorway, studying the familiar apartment; a now empty apartment.
Only four things remained, a foldable chair, an ashtray, the long black-haired girl sitting on the chair, and a younger girl who's sprawled out on the floor.

Uncomfortable silence started to fill the atmosphere, it was suffocating, and he hated it.
He pushed himself off of the frame, straightening his posture and then fixing his gaze on the girl lying down.

"Say Meeks, whatcha doing on the floor?" A look of curiosity painted on his face.

The young girl's whole body shivered at the sudden voice, she tilted her head back to see who it belonged to.

"Ohh, it's just you Ryunosuke" With a loud sigh the girl readjusted her head to look at the ceiling once more. The man frowned. Stepping into the apartment, the man stopped right above Mika's head, forcing their eyes to meet once again.

"Mika, if you keep being mean to me, I'll start to believe you don't like me," Ryu said with a teasing tone, and a mischievous smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

She doesn't like him. She never has.

Ryu glanced up, eyes tracing the silhouette of the other girl who occupied the apartment.
She sat by the window, hues of faded orange and purple surrounding her.
A lit cigarette laid in between her fingers, with a mountain of ash sitting in the ashtray, Ryu concluded she hadn't moved since she lit it.

The sound of Mika shifting around pulled Ryu's attention back to her, she was now sitting in front of him, arms crossed and glaring at him.
He just chuckled and extended a hand out toward her, she took it - hesitantly.
Pulling her to her feet, Ryu let her steady herself before letting go of her hand.

"why are you even here Ryu?" Mika questioned.

As his knock was, her question also went unanswered.

Moving swiftly past Mika, Ryu made his way to the window, turned around, and leaned against it, right next to the girl in the chair. No response, not even a glance. Her eyes were fixated on something else, or maybe it was just her mind.
Lifting his finger, he presses it into the middle of the girl's forehead; then whispers his greetings to the girl, not wanting to spook her -like how he did with Mika.

"Hey, little star"

Gentle, his tone was so gentle now compared to how he spoke when talking to Mika. Ryu doesn't know when he started doing it but whenever he speaks to Ayaka his tone is always softer.
When the girl finally turned her head, her expression was cold, her eyes were meeting his but she looked as though she was staring at nothing.

"Yeah.. she's been like that all day," Mika said, sighing and then continuing. " I don't know what her deal is, so don't even ask me"

The words Mika spoke were futile, it was empty noise to fill the space; Ayaka and Ryunosuke were in a different world, unreachable.
Mika took this as her queue to leave; the sounds of her footsteps getting quieter as she got further down the hall, fading into complete silence.

"Ayaka?" Ryu spoke first, breaking that unbearable silence, a deadpan expression plastered on his face, it didn't match the sweet tone of his voice, if one didn't know any better they would think they belonged to two different people. Ayaka watched him carefully, waiting for what he'll say next; but it never came; Ryu grew silent, shuffling his hand to his pocket and pulling out a pack of smokes - seven-star cigarettes.

Ayaka rose from her seat, neatly collapsed the chair, and proceeded towards the exit, pausing in the doorway. Ryu's gaze fixated on her with curiosity, carefully examining her in detail as he gradually approached her.

"Ryuno, I- I didn't want you to come today?"

Ayaka's voice is breaking between her sharp breaths, her tears pooling down her cheeks, leaving a slight shimmer.
He didn't need to see her face to know she was crying, he could hear it in her voice, and with the mere fact she wouldn't look at him. As much as he hated making her cry, Ryu couldn't refute, he knew what she said wasn't true, however he also knew that the words she wanted to hear from him weren't going to be the ones he'd say.

So he said nothing, nothing at all.

Taking a deep breath Ayaka stepped into the hallway, Ryu following behind her, pulling the apartment door shut behind him; then moving aside so Ayaka could lock the door.

"Don't go. please" Ayaka whispered before making her way down the hallway, leaving Ryu standing there; alone. Ryu took a step forward, his mouth opened slightly, as if he were about to speak -no words came out, and no other movements were made.


Editor's note -

I'm just a kid, so please don't expect much from  this.
By no means will this be oscar worthy writing or storytelling.

I'm going to be so fucking real with you guys, I have no idea where I'm taking this story yet, I do apologize if chapters don't come out as fast as they should.♡

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 07 ⏰

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