Chapter 9

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Kenny POV 

Butters let go of my hand then went to stan and got him up and went to a different room with him " wow I couldn't even pick up stan with him calling me bitch or throwing up on me" kyle said little shocked.

"yeah..." why does this make me so mad but I shouldn't care that much and plus butters is just being nice but it still hurts "dude are you okay you look a little upset?"kyle said with a worried expression " yeah I fine let go get a drink" I said.

I need to calm down and just drink a little or butters is going to get worried about me like last time...

Butters POV 

I was sitting down looking at my phone while Stan was still holding my hand. I had been here for 40 minutes and I started to get worried about Kenny. He can drink a lot and when he is drunk he can go a little crazy like clyde crazy and problem his intelligence too.

I was going to text kenny to see what he was doing before I got interrupted by the door open and I see kyle with a little nervous "oohh hey butters we kind of have little problem and we need your help?" I can tell he is scared of something but I don't know what "yeah sure but what is it?" I ask "okay well remember you told us to not let kenny drink no more because he can go crazy" kyle said not look at me "yeah.." I have bad feelings that this story is not going to go well "well I kind of forgot that and when I finally remember that he was already drunk and he was going crazy like first he was happy and then he was starting to cry about you then he was trying to look for you so he got on the roof and started to call your name because he think that you're actually a angel or something" kyle said now little calm.

"And he is still on the roof so yeah.." kyle said like this was a normal thing kenny would do "okay I go but can you stay with stan" I said in a hurry "yeah sure-" I just ran out there and went outside to see everyone just yelling at kenny to get down.

"Oh my god KENNY GET DOWN FROM THERE!!!" I yelled and kenny started to stare at me for a minute "oh hey buttercup HIC- whaat are you doing down HIC- down" kenny said waving at me and smiling " what do you mean what I doing down here what are doing up there?!" I yelled at him " oh I was looking for you HIC-''kenny said "well get down or you're going to get hurt!"I yell back at him again and I was getting really scared now " okay I get down but HIC- you have to stay with me HIC- and let me hold your HIC- ass" he said but I think he means hand.

"Ok fine just get down here" I said " okay HIC- " he jumped down in a bunch of bushes and I ran to see if he was okay " ken! ken! Are you okay" I asked looking for any scratches or he broke something "yea HIC- I okay " he said getting up and then grabbing my butt.

"Ken what are you doing!?" I said a little shocked "you said that if I HIC- got down you let me hold your ass HIC- and your ass is really soft and nice" he said " ken I thought you meant my hand not my butt!" I kinda yelled "well you thought wrong HIC-" kenny said with a laugh and everyone left already so it just me and kenny " well let go inside it's getting cold" he didn't say nothing and we just went inside and go to a room and lay down on the bed while kenny is holding my butt " I HIC- love you butter HIC- cup " he said then went to sleep and I just go to sleep.


I was have a nice dream where me and butters were on the beach and we were looking at the sun to come up and we were going to kiss before someone was calling my name "KINNY KINNY WAKE UP YOU LITTLE SHIT" cartman yelled at me "I up so shut the fuck up my head hurt " I said in a calm tone but I really want to yell but I know that make that worst "well last was crazy like you got hella drunk you were flirting with everyone you see" I got up really fast "no no your lying" I said getting worried and think about butters he can really sad and he never talk to you even if we are faking we promise that we wean't cheat on each other because we didn't want people to think that we can be friend after someone cheat and plus we said that if we have feeling for some else we have to end it before we get with them and now for some reason I started to cry "what is going on here?" butters said with water and pain killer "BUTTERS I SO SO SO SOS SORRY DON''T LEAVE ME!!" I yell while I'm crying and hugging him.

"Kenny, why would I leave you?" Butters said "because Cartman said I was flirting with everyone I see and and'' I was looking for words to say but nothing" Kenny you weren't flirting with anyone what do you mean?" Butters said while Cartman was laughing " you really thought!!!" Cartman said while laughing again "shut up fatass why would you say that and while my head hurt" I said "well I got painkiller for you" butters said giving me the pills "thanks buttercup" I said smiling at him.

"yup anytime ken" butters said smiling back at me it was so cute "well I have to go back home before my dad gets mad" butters said putting his shoes " yeah okay buttercup text me when you get home and thanks for taking care of me" I said "okay bye ken" he said getting me a kiss on my cheek then left "wooooow he didn't said bye to meh" cartman said "probably because he don't like you fatass" I said while put my shoes on "and I going to get you back for doing that" I said before I left the room.

I wonder what happened when I was drunk?  

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