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bri and Nelson have been separated for a while, nelson has a lot of things to do, and Bri on the other hand, has school and doesn't have a lot of extra time to spend with him.

bri and Nelson have been separated for a while, nelson has a lot of things to do, and Bri on the other hand, has school and doesn't have a lot of extra time to spend with him

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Bri, can we talk rq?

yes, ml?
so do you remember when Nessa came to my game?
yeah I remember
so that day when I went to go get something out of Lavar's car she tried to kiss me.
I told her to not kiss me and I left her out there
are you mad at me?

actually, no. she already is supposed to fight me I'm finna go beat her tf up

Nelson was surprised that his girlfriend would fight, I mean she is a little strong but actually fighting?

Nelson was surprised that his girlfriend would fight, I mean she is a little strong but actually fighting?

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yes, nelson 🙄
can we go to the aquarium and see Spongebob
yes spongebob I wanna see Spongebob 🌚
                                   lord, what am I gonna do with you 😭

Nelson picked Bri up and they made their way to the aquarium. that was 3 hours away.

"BRII" nelson screamed at bri

"NELSONNN" she screamed back

"cmon you lovebirds get in the damn car i'm tired of this" cam said since he had to drive

"who pissed in your cereal camothy?" bri joked earning laughs from the others

"don't piss me off bri" cam said



"what the fuck do you want "

".. can i use the aux my super amazing cool uncle..please"

"don't play nothing crazy"

"i won't play "nothing crazy"

i quit. the next chapter will be them at the aquarium i promise
word count:255

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