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3rd POV

The war for cybertron...

A brutal and bloody war with energon spilt all over the planet's surface, nowhere is safe for long. The Monster lurks around every corner, his blank mask watching everything with his cannon softly humming, always being ready to end a bot's life. Heavy steps can be heard as The Monster wanders cybertrons surface. A group of autobots hiding behind a wall, praying to primus that they haven't been found.


Just as they finish a bolt of purple tears through the wall and one of the bots, as the bot hits the ground a servo smashes through the wall grabbing another bot and ripping them back out. This bot looks in fear as the blank mask of The Monster stares down upon him. He transforms his servo and shoots into the chest of the mech holding him. The mech stops thinking he got him, as he feels the grip tighten and digits shred his neck cables causing his head to come off and his body fall to the ground. The Monster looks back and sees one final bot standing there, a Femmy holding a sparkling in her hands

Femmy: Please... Please don't kill me...

Energon tears streaming down her face as she watches The Monster get closer




Femmy: Please... just dont hurt my sparkling...

The Monster reaches her, looking down upon her small frame he reaches down and grabs the sparkling in his hand, the mother screaming and pounding on his peds to not harm her child. The Monster closes his digits around the sparkling, killing it instantly. The Femmy now blinded by rage tries to get up before The Monster shoves the cannon against her head listening to her scream louder as the energon forming on the end begins to melt her face plates. She looks at The Monster as best she can

Femmy: I hope that you rust in the deepest pits of Kaon with Unicron himse-


The femmy's frame falls to the ground with the neck smoking and a small crater on the ground.

Megatron: DT-0011, Report in.

DT: Lord Megatron, the autobots have been eliminated in this sector. I recommend moving to the next to continue scouting.

Megatron: That is not necessary. Return to the Nemesis, at once!

DT: Yes my Lord.

DT starts to run forward before jumping into the arm and transforming into a cybertronian jet and flying off to the Nemesis.

Megatron's POV

My most loyal soldier. DT-0011, a perfect example of what happens when you make a soldier instead of finding one. I hear a thud behind me and turn around to see him standing there. Standing optic level with me, terrifying as always but I won't let that show.

DT: Lord Megatron, what are your orders?

Megatron: We are heading to Earth, I wish for us to find Optimus and crush him.

DT: It will be done my lord.

I smirk as he walks away, this will be an exciting endeavor.

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