Darkness Rising: Part 1

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Earth. What a miserable mudball. Lord Megatron has gone out on a deep space exploration leaving me in charge of the Decepticons. So far that hasn't been an issue.

Starscream: Monster.

I turn around and face the small seeker

DT: Starscream. What do you want?

He smirks as he strolls by me and stands at the control panel looking out across the land. I sense that he is about to say something completely Illogical.

Starscream: I feel the Decepticons would benefit more from myself being the leader rather than having you, a merciless killer, as its current leader.

DT: Illogical. The Decepticons would function better under a leader who would not tolerate any failure.

Starscream sighs and turns around with dramatic flair.

Starscream: While I agree, I think that you are just purely unfit as you used to be a a-

A large explosion goes off as a cloud of blue and gray smoke rises up on the screens.

DT: How...disappointing Starscream.

Starscream: And how is this my fault?!

I walk closer to the seeker, him leaning back as I look down upon him. My cannon humming showing that it is ready to remove a bots spark.

DT: If you had followed the proper procedure and had patrols then this would not have happened.

I move him to the side and look down into the crater to look for anything salvageable. How disappointing, nothing can be saved from it.

DT: The energon, it's worthless now.

I turn back as I hear a dragging sound across the ground. I look and see the Autobot Cliffjumper. Now this is something to turn my sour mood around.

Cliffjumper: Scream It's been a while So, where's your master?

Starscream: Never mind him. I am my own master.

Starscream goes to move towards him before I smack him away, knocking him unconscious. The autobot looks up at me and I can sense his fear...perfect.

Cliffjumper: You...you killed them all. Mechs, Fembots, Sparklings even! Where will it end?

I chuckle darkly at him as I point my cannon at his chest plates. The heat starting to burn him as I let it fully heat up.

DT: It will end with the Primes head in my hands

I fire, the purple bolt tearing through his spark chamber as he is flung back.

DT: Vehicons. Clean that up and take Starscream to a holding cell. He has become an issue and I will take care of it.

Soundwave walks over as his visor lights up with an Audio file.

DT: Soundwave, what have you discovered.

Soundwave: Like Jasper Nevada's a party? We're alone wherever we travel on this rock, Cliff.

DT: Arcee. Well then we now know there are at least two Autobots left upon this Mudball. Soundwave, dispatch Vehicons to search for her.

He nods and walks off. I look around the bridge before walking to my berthroom. Passing by vehicons as they salute me. Once I reach my berthroom I get a com from the patrol I dispatched

Vehicon: Lord DT-0011, target sighted. Accompanied by a human youth.

DT: Interesting. Bring me the fleshling and the autobot.

Vehicon: At once my lord

The com cuts and I enter my room. Once inside I let my mask unfold and hide away as I walk over to the mirror in my room. Staring at it I start to run my sharp servos over my cannon, the heat not bothering me but soothing me.

DT: Who was I...I cannot remember anything before waking up in Shockwaves medical room with Lord Megatron standing there. I wonder what I did to earn such an honor.

My cannon hums softly as I see a sudden flash of a purple crystal. I grab my helm in pain when my com goes off. I fold my mask back down and pick it up

Vehicon: Lord DT-0011, 5T3V3 and I require assistance capturing the autobot.

DT: Very well. I will be there momentarily.

The com ends and walk out of my berth and towards the end of the hallway.

DT: Soundwave. Open a groundbridge to the Vehicons.

A green vortex appears in front of me and I walk through it seeing Arcee standing there by herself.


I see Arcee take a step back as I walk out of the portal. Sensing her fear I can feel my cannon as it hums to life...Perfect.

DT: What's wrong Arcee? Fear is illogical for you know that I am not here to extinguish your spark. Only to bring you back so I may learn of everyone on this mudball.

I look over at her and see pure fear in her optics. Yet she still holds a stoic face.

Arcee: I can't allow you to do this DT. This ends here.

I motion for the Vehicons to attack. I stay back and watch as both of these Vehicons have trouble subduing her. I smirk and see a flash of a pink femme in my vision. My helm begins to ache as I fall to a knee.


The Vehicons look over at DT worried about their Lord. This is enough for Arcee as she starts throwing punch after punch at the Vehicons.

Arcee: This is for Cliff!

The last punch lands and the Vehicon slowly looks back at her before opening fire. Arcee starts dodging back before being nailed with a shot. One Vehicon goes to check on DT as 5T3V3 approaches Arcee. Suddenly he is tackled by a yellow and black blur. He takes down 5T3V3 and starts to taking steps back not taking his eyes off the Cons before stepping on one of the humans toys

Small human(Raf): No problem. Really.

This was enough distraction for 5T3V3 to get the jump on Bumblebee and start to attack him. The other Vehicon helping DT stand back up. He stands to full height before sending the other Vehicon in. Just as he does, a big green suv shows up.

Bulkhead: Who's ready to rumble?

DT: Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Arcee, and Optimus. Interesting combination.

Looking over at them he knows he can take them, but knows that they need to remain covert among the people for now.

DT: Return to the Nemesis. Know this autobots, when the time arises...I will remove your sparks for what you did to me.

I walk through the ground bridge and as it closes I see Soundwave standing there, both of us staring at each other in silence before his visor turns on showing me a transmission.

DT: You are absolutely certain?

Soundwave nods as he sends me the coordinates confirming they are indeed our Lord and Master.

DT: Lock on transmission coordinates and activate the space bridge.

We cut to space where a Space bridge floats. The Space bridge activates as Megatron comes out of the portal and then transforms to his full glory

Megatron: Decepticons! I have returned.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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