why tell me now

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So you joined the lin kuei and are being trained by kuai Liang or scorpion to be specific he was surprised by how quickly you picked up on his attacks but he ended up having you pinned to the ground every time it made you flustered cause of how close his face was to yours every once in a while you were trained by his brother bi han and he was super aggressive with you it made you focus hard but he would knock you on the ground and call you weak and if you cried in front of him it only made it worse so you always went back to your room and cried in a pillow you have never been heard doing this until today you didn't hear the door open all you felt was arms wrapping around you it made you turn around your cheeks turn red when you see kuai looking down at you concerned "what happened Y/N" he asked as he wiped your tears away "your brother is a asshole he was really rude to me in the training area today" you say as you catch your breath he pulls you closer hugging you tightly to his chest "I know he can be quite harsh but he means well" he says softly as he rubs your back "he called me weak after he knocked me onto the ground just walked away didn't even help me up" you say as he pulls back before he can say anything the door opens it was bi han he gives kuai a dirty look "we don't have time for your little girlfriend kuai there is work to be done let's go" he says harshly making you flinch kuai says his goodbyes then leaves after that day bi han gets more ignorant towards you and making your life absolute hell every night you cried yourself to sleep the next day was worse then the last then you Strom into bi han's office "why are you treating me this way I have never done anything to you for this kind of treatment" you yell at him he towers over you "because you are more worried about fucking my brother then actual training I watched the two of you every time he trained you the way you looked at him it made me sick" he yells back it makes your face turn bright red "it isn't like that sure he is kind and caring to me but I would never ruin our friendship that way" you say as he grabs your shoulders "I see the way you two act when you aren't training flirting and the light touches you give one another why can't you just love me" he says making you freeze in place it took you off guard "are you trying to tell me you are in love with me bi han" you say and he sighs heavily "everyone has always loved him and not me even you what does he have that I don't" he says softly as he drops his hands to his sides "look bi han if you were more up front and nicer then maybe people would like you more" you say and it makes him mad for a second before kuai walks in "I heard yelling is everything okay" he asks it makes you turn to give him a smile "yeah it is all good I was just having a chat with bi han" you say as he returns your smile "that is good I wanted to ask you something when you are done meet me at my quarters" he says making you blush deeply "yes of course I will see you then" you say softly he then takes his leave you then turn back to bi han who is giving you a death glare "look bi han I am sorry it's just I like him because he is funny and kind and treats me like a person I don't hate you" you say as he walks closer to you "I will do everything to make you mine so mark my words pretty girl" he says softly before letting you leave once you get to kuai's room you take a deep breath then knock he opens the door giving you a breathtaking smile that makes your heart melt "you wanted to ask me something kuai" you asked without warning he pulls you into a kiss making your eyes widen but then you melt into it as your arms wrap around his neck his hands grabbed your hips pulling you closer so you could feel him against you he pulls back breathing heavily "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend" he says softly making you blush heavily "yes of course but your brother is in love with me as well saying he will do anything to make me his" you say making him grip you tightly "I won't let that happen" he says pulling you into his room letting you stay with him for the night the next morning you both walk out of his room to see bi han glaring at the two of you "care to explain to me why she was in your room" he says coldly to kuai but he stands his ground "she just slept in my room we didn't do anything what I do with my girlfriend is none of your business" he says as he puts his arm around your waist making you blush deeply as you look away "I am the grandmaster I have every right to know about what you do with that temptress" he says making kuai angry "don't you dare talk about her that way I will not tolerate something like this from you" he says both bothers getting ready to fight each other but you get in the middle right as bi han was going to punch kuai his fist hits your face knocking you out cold the last thing you remember was kuai yelling at his brother for what he did.

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