A Boy?

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Today is November 7, at 8:57am. I'm getting ready for school when I get a text from my classmate, Emma.


em_maily: hey el, can icopy off ur hermeowmr?



ok chill lmao:
*one attachment*:


I close the chat, putting my phone in my bag, then slinging it on my shoulder, walking out my apartment door. I shudder as I feel the cold breeze. I should've brought a jacket.

I sigh as I start walking to school, which wasn't very far from where I was right now.

As I enter the doors of the school, I'm greeted by none other than Nancy Chevalier! Nancy's one of my best friends, we've been friends ever since she transferred here from Canada, which is pretty cool.

"Hey Nance, how did ice skating with Eden go?" I ask her. "It was fun! Eden kept slipping off the ice, though.. " she laughs as I laugh with her. We have the same first period, so we started walking to the classroom while just chatting about anything and everything.

We were literally already approaching our classroom when the speakers announced that all senior high students are required to go to the gym room, which was at the other side of the school. Nancy and I groaned as we started sprinting to get to the gym on time.

We walked into the gym, then sat down beside each other on the bleachers. It was... Loud in there. I mean, you cant really expect for a room with a bunch of teenagers to be quiet, anyway. So we kinda just sat there until our Phys Ed teacher, Coach JM, walked in.

He blew his whistle. The whole room went silent. "Alright, everyone, since it's almost the start of our Christmas break, we're going to be planning a school trip for all senior high students. We will be providing plane tickets to Tokyo, Japan to everyone who would like to join. " he announced, and the everyone went WILD. Screaming in excitement, jumping out of joy, it was like a jungle in there.

So, after a few minutes of chaos in there, everyone finally got up and left, and Nancy and I just followed along with them.

The day went on like any other day, I don't wanna bore you guys, so I'll just skip to the part where we FINALLY went to that school trip our coach told us about.

It was December 1, at 4:02am. I grabbed my suitcase, backpack, water bottle, and everything else I needed. I was about to walk out my room but then I remember I forgot my phone, so I go back to my desk, grab it, shove it in my pocket, and I bolt out the door.

As I approach my school, I see 3 buses, I check my phone, I'm on the 2nd bus. I hop on the bus, and sat at a window seat. Can I just say how much I love the window seat? It's so much better than a lane seat, why? Because when you're sitting at a lane seat, sometimes people are gonna side eye you or accidentally hit your leg which does NOT feel good. So the window seat is just better because 1. Free entertainment at your side, 2. You can sleep peacefully, 3. It's just good.

I look around the bus, I see a couple familiar faces like Emma, Robin, Azriel, Erin, Maria, and Ajax. The bus wasn't full yet, so I figured I could watch some Netflix while we waited. So I did. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and my earplugs from my backpack, then started watching The Mitchells vs The Machines. I know, I know, 'but Eleanor, that's a kids movie!' I don't care. It's a good movie and that's what matters.

I think I was like half way through the movie when someone sat beside me, and that someone is Juniper, one of my groupmates in Biology.

"Heya there Eleanor! Isn't this just exciting?" She says with such electric energy, and it was literally like 4:52 in the morning. "Oh, yeah, super. " I say, then we were just silent the whole time until the bus finally started moving. So we just sat there awkwardly beside each other, I don't know.

At like 5:33 we arrive at the airport, and we had to wait another half hour before we were boarded on the plane.

I can't be bothered to write EVERY SINGLE DETAIL ABOUT THE FLIGHT, so I'll just cut to the chase. So at like 4am JST (Japan Standard Time) we got off the plane. Grabbed our suitcases and bags from the thing, I actually have no idea what it's called, then outside the airport were 3 more buses, and we all got in them, some irrelevant stuff happened blah blah, then we arrived at the hotel we were staying at.

Coach JM gave us our keys to the rooms, I was in room 42B, and we were instructed to go ahead into them, so I did. I opened the door, and saw that I had a roommate, which was none other than, my best friend, Emma.

"O-M-G!! El! This is like the best thing to ever happen to me, my best friend in the same hotel room as me!" She squeals, "Yes! We're going to have so much fun, we could stay up all night and talk about boys.." I reply as we laugh. I sit down on the bed beside her and we just chat the whole time until coach JM called us all down to the lobby at around 8am.

Emma and I took the elevator down, then walked into the crowd of students.

"Alright, everyone, settle down. So, as you all know, this is a school trip for you students to get to know one another better, so we are going to group all of you into 10 and you will stay together as a group. I will hand out a piece of paper to you and it will show you what group number you are." Coach JM yells out to us.

I get my piece of paper and I read it. "I got group 3,what about you?" Emma says. "Oh, I got group 9?" I reply. "aw, man. Well, I guess I'll see you later?" "Yeah."

We wave goodbye to each other, then I go to find my groupmates.

So, the people I got stuck with were Juniper, Elias, Azriel, Maria, Lisa, Nikki, Victoria, Norman, and James. We all decided we were just gonna play in the snow anyway, so as everyone left the hotel, we followed outside. We didn't drift off far from the hotel, really, we just made snow angels and snowmen and and a snowball fight. When we got bored of the snow it was around 2pm, which was perfect timing since that was when we were called for lunch.

I don't really wanna go into even more detail, so I'm gonna skip the eating part since it was kinda BORIIINNNGGGG..

So we finished eating lunch at around 4:21pm, then we saw that the Ghibli Museum wasn't very far from us, so we decided to go there. It was actually really interesting to go there, they showed us a cute short movie and I absolutely loved it.

After that, it was around 7:44pm, we were all kinda tired so we decided to go back to the hotel lobby and just chill, which we did. At 9pm everyone came back, then we all went to our rooms.

I was at my room when Emma came in, sitting down beside me. "Sooo, how was your day?" She asks, ecstatic. "It was fine, honestly. " "Seriously? That's it? You didnt see any cute boys?" She asks. "Come to think of it, I didn't really notice."

She sighs, then grabs some clothes from her suitcase. "I'm gonna change clothes." She says, I nod. She walks into the bathroom. I didn't bother waiting for her to finish changing, so I just changed in the room, then once I was finished she came out like 7 seconds later.

We both lay on the bed, and we just start chatting away. I don't really remember what we were talking about, but I do remember one thing..

"Hey El?"


"I wish you were a boy."

1404 words.

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