Question #12

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From: Lepple27_1

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From: Lepple27_1

To: The Titan TRIO

*Question 1

Titan Speakerman: She's alright.

Titan Cameraman: Eh, she's not terrible. I'm just mostly sort of upset that she left Brown Cameraman all because he was a simp.

Titan TV Man: She's cool :)

*Question 2

Titan Speakerman: *Evil chuckles*

Titan Cameraman: Oh hell naw

Titan TV Man: No :'( He always yells at me.

*Question 3

Titan Speakerman: Fight harder!

Titan Cameraman: We'll win the war so... I'll keep fighting till my last breathe.

Titan TV Man: Wait what? He got kamikazed?! 

(Done see you in chap 13 my lil titans love ya'll :))

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