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Unknown lady in her 30's pov

5 years ago, only on this day I had lost everything but in return God gave me everything beautiful relations whom I can trust blindly and none judges you unlike they people. Maybe he had moved in his life but I am still standing there only ,where he left me alone. I got trustful and loving husband who always stand my side by any means and a beautiful son.Everyone here understand me and accepted me wholeheartedly knowing my past. But i couldn't accept him because of my past betrayal from my family. I know I was wrong but what they did was also not right. From childhood i craved for mother's  and father's love who was busy with other wife and other child of his, never ever cared for me. I always listened Dadi, thought she will be my side no wonder what happens but I was wrong.My mistake was only this that I listened to her because I thought that she only wants my well-being because among all people she loved me.
And my friend whom I trusted blindly backstabs me. He also left but when he wanted revenge from his brother he used later on left me. His family forgave him for his wrong doings  because he was heir of their family but I am other' daughter. Why they hadn't understood that I just want who love me truly selflessly. When my own family didn't not understood  why other people will? I will never forgive them.Never ever.I never wanted to face them in my life.

She was interrupted by the knock at the door .She smiles happily see the a man with a boy in his arm at the door.

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Another side of the story


All were enjoying and playing happily with kids in a living room unaware of upcoming storm
A man in black coat comes there and greet by her daughter's hug and a side hug by her wife. He gave a forehead kiss to both his angels and went to office happily with three men beside him.
Am unknown lady in her 30's smiles faintly watching the scene -
Her pov standing in front of lady's photo-
He have moved on in his life and happy with his wife and daughter.Infact all are happy in their life but somewhere in the heart everyone wants to get a single glimpse of you want to know where are you in which condition.Want to know why you did that because you was never like this. You still wants him in your life . Why you didn't contact with us not even me after leaving Kolkata. Everyone tried to search for you and hired private investigator to kno about you got only answer that you left Kolkata forever.I miss you please come back. I know you miss all mom, dad ,dadi, and us. Dadi always waits for her ladoo everyday at the door. Where are you?

Please come back ......

Her thoughts was interrupted by the tap on her shoulder

"Miss her" asked women in her 40's.
She nods with teary eyes." Don't worry we will find her.Keep your faith on Mata Rani. She will never disappoint you." Women hug her and wipes her own tears which come from her eyes unknowingly.
Women said her"For now pack your bags   tomorrow we have to leave for Mumbai at morning to enjoy vacations.ok otherwise you will not get time. Your parents will come at airport only."

Saying this women left But lady keeps standing there with teary eyes.

Screen freezes on one side happy face and other side teary eyes.

New relations,New life ~RaginiWhere stories live. Discover now