Comfort~ Movie! Freddy x Human! Reader *Request*

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Requested by the lovely GlamRockCrash

Plot: Y/N lost her father at a young age and years later, when she loses her mother due to cancer, Y/N is very tired and depressed. Freddy notices this and approaches her. 

This takes place before the restaurant closes down! Also, Freddy and others are alive in this one.


Y/N couldn't believe it. She never thought that she would be one of those people to experience it. She already lost her father at a young age and now, she was at her mother's side, holding her hand as she was sitting down. Her mother was laying on her deathbed at the hospital. Y/N was crying non-stop while holding her mother's hand. Y/N was 26 while her mother was close to hitting her senior year but I guess it won't happen. Y/N's mother was saying goodbye to her only child, a daughter who is a grown-up. Y/N's mother was losing the battle to cancer. The doctors told her that her mother did not have much time left to live as it was an aggressive one. Y/N was devastated as the day came to say goodbye as her mother's condition worsened. 

"M-Mom..." Y/N cried.

Her mom slowly turned to her daughter with a sad smile on her face. "Don't cry, my girl. We will see each other one day. Believe." 

Y/N was too devastated and weak to respond to her mother. She cried harder as her mother's grip loosened and... no response. The heart monitor machine let out a long beep as her mother died. Y/N shakenly let go of her mom's hand and cried even harder until she couldn't take it anymore. She screamed. The doctors came rushing in with the nurses and some of them supported Y/N as they took her away. 

2 Weeks Later~

Y/N entered the pizzeria she put on a tired fake smile on her face. She was a nightguard at Freddy Fazbear's pizza place. As Y/N entered the place, she saw that the animatronics were in their places. There was Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and of course Foxy. The young woman was a big fan of them ever since she was small, but Freddy was her ultimate favorite with Bonnie coming second. She spent 2 weeks at home, asking her boss if they were okay with it as Y/N explained the reason that her mother passed. Her boss gave her 2 weeks to recover and take a break but the loss of her mother still was affecting her. 

As she walked past the animatronics, she looked at them and gave them a kind smile before going to her security office. She set her stuff aside as she sat down on the spinning chair. She grabbed the tablet and began watching over the cameras. She watched mostly over the animatronics. She grabbed her apple juice bottle and drank some of it before placing it back down on the table. When she checked the other cams, there was no anything suspicious. However, when she checked the cam where the tables were, she caught something in sight. 2 dots in the darkness could be seen. Who was that? Y/N's breathing became quicker as she quickly checked on Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica and saw the bear missing. 

"Where is Fred-" She got cut off once someone pulled the tablet down. 

Y/N gasped once she saw it was Freddy. She screamed in terror and fell off of the chair from behind due to crawling. She winched once she hit the floor but she looked terrified at the alive living bear. Freddy didn't show any emotion as he came closer and closer until Y/N hit the wall with her back. Freddy came closer again and kneeled. Y/N closed her eyes and turned her head away, preparing to die just like so many security guards disappeared. But... nothing happened. What? 

"Huh? Y/N opened her eyes and slowly looked at Freddy, who was now on his knees with his free paw stuck out to her while he held his usual microphone in his other paw. On his free paw, he held a paper. Y/N looked carefully over and realized that it was a note. She shakenly took it over and read it, saying: 'Are you ok?'

Y/N felt tears building up again, stinging her eyes as she sniffed. She looked into Freddy's blue eyes as she cried softly. She raised her knees to press them against her chest and wrapped her arms around her knees. "N-No. I'm not ok, Freddy. My mother passed away due to cancer. I miss her so much."

Y/N didn't look up to Freddy as she continued to cry. Freddy knew what cancer was, a deadly illness and there were different types of cancers like breasts, bones, etc. Some of them had cures, others sadly not. Many scientists were busy trying and testing it. Freddy felt very sorry for Y/N. She used to talk to him and Freddy knew that the young woman lost her father first and now, she lost her mother. Y/N had no one left... That was what she believed, at least. 

As she continued to cry, she didn't realize Freddy sitting down next to her and gently grabbed her, causing Y/N to look up. She relaxed as was sitting between Freddy's legs. Even though they sat on the cold floor, Y/N leaned against Freddy to be kept warm. Freddy wrapped his arms around her shaken form and one of his paws began petting her head, causing Y/N to relax. Y/N whimpered as she began crying again and Freddy began rocking themselves back and forth to comfort her and it was working. Y/N began slowly calming down. She felt so tired that she decided to rest her head against Freddy's chest and slowly fell asleep. 

Freddy never left her side and looked down, his blue eyes shone in the darkness. The handsome bear continued to pet her head and whispered down into her ear: "Goodnight, love."

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