A new beginning

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Heavy rain drumming against her arms and head started pulling Emily in and out of consciousness. Her head felt foggy and her ears were buzzing. Her body was screaming from pain, all of her muscles felt sore. Emily ignored the pain in her head while she lifted it to take in her surroundings. She was in a deformed car, laying on the dashboard. The windshield was shattered and that is why she felt the pitter patter of the rain on her body. With a pained sigh she forced her body to retrieve back to the search.
Once she was sitting somewhat upright it was quite a lot easier to see the entire picture. There was a tree smashed into the driver's side of the car. That side of the car seemed like it was crushed like a tin can and the person sitting on the seat was all covered with blood. His limbs were back to front and she could see a bone sticking out of his knee. Emily could hardly make out the features of the person lying next to her. He was short and skinny with greying hair and a big nose- oh wait Emily knew those features. Plead started to build up in her stomach while she gathered the courage to call out to him.
"Sir?" Nothing
"Sir?" Nothing
"Sir? Please." Nothing
And then finally with a tiny defeated voice and a hesitant touch on a broken arm,"Father?" Still no answer.
Emily had seen dead people before and she knew there was one right beside her. There was no way her father would be opening his eyes-ever again. The memories from what happened before the crash leapt into her mind. She remembered the fight and the man shooting her father in the stomach, her father hurling her into the car and starting to drive while people were still shooting at them. The  blood still sleeping out of his stomach. She remembered praying for him to drive slower in her mind, she didn't dare say anything aloud though. Her father then started drifting in and out of consciousness from the blood loss and then she remembered the crash.
Emily was shaking now. What should she do? What could she do? She couldn't stay there, someone would eventually find them and she didn't want to go back. Emily didn't have anyone left to look after her. Without her father in charge what would they do to her? It would be even worse than it already had been she was sure of it. No, she had to go. This was her ticket to freedom. Emily tried to get out of the car door. It wouldn't budge. Panic started spreading throughout her body, her breathing became heavier, she had to get out. Then she recalled the broken windshield. She would've smacked herself on the forehead if she wasn't in so much pain already. Deciding to clamber out of the windshield was the best thing to do.
She got out and landed ungracefully on the wet grass and groaned partly from pain and partly from tiredness. Emily forced her sore body up off of the grass. Once standing she leant against the hood of the car to avoid collapsing onto the grass from dizziness. When she gained control of her body back, she peered back into the car making sure nothing of hers was left behind. If the authorities didn't know that she was in that car, it would buy her more time to escape. Emily casted one last look over at her father's lifeless body and considered taking his wallet, but she didn't dare. Her fear of him was too high even if he was lifelessly staring at her. Finalising her decision to leave the money, she started limping towards the forest as quickly as her feet would allow. Emily had to push through the pain, gritting her teeth and just speeding up until she was somehow running.
Emily kept running until she was completely out of breath and her legs could carry her no longer and her shoes had dug themselves deeply into her heels. She leant against a tree while sitting and kicked her shoes off. The rain was still pouring in her and her oversized hoodie was so soaked that she barely had enough strength to carry it on her any longer. The forest was gloomy and the night was cool despite it being midsummer. Exhaustion took over her body as she got up to try to find somewhere to dry off a little and sleep. Wet miss was soaking through her socks but it was more comfortable than shoes. She started walking forward even though she didn't have any adrenaline to manage the pain anymore.

Emily was barely conscious when she finally came to the bottom of the cliff. There was a small crack between the rock and the ground where she could crawl inside to sleep and shelter from the now stormy weather. Despite her best efforts, she could not stop shivering and shaking from the cold. However she ignored it and proceeded to cut branches from a spruce to give even some insulation between her and the earth which was radiating cold when she was done making her tiny nest, she lifted her wet hoodie over her head and squeezed as much of the water out of it as her arms allowed her to then she did the same for all of her other clothes. When she was ready she was wearing a damp green crop top, dark green cray skirt and stained white knee length socks. Emily crawled into the crack and laid on the prickly sprigs. She curled up under her hoodie and let the sleep take over. Some water was dripping on her but she was just too tired to care anymore. Soon the blackness swallowed her whole and sucked her into a dreamless slumber.

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