★·.·'¯'·.·★ Introduction ★·.·'¯'·.·★

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A simple word, but not so simple what it means.

We humans have different ways of dealing with life; making/listening to music, crying, laughing, smiling, throwing stuff... 

Now, that depends on the human, of course.

We get our hearts broken, repaired and broken again.

We make things up to fit in (although that is another topic which we will also talk about).

There is this part in this song that says: 

"Pero sí que a veces aprendes en ese proceso y conoces gente excelente

Y te vas conociendo, y crees que vas entendiendo mejor de qué va el juego
Hasta que un día crees que no, y luego que sí y así vas creciendo

Suena contradictorio, pero es cierto"

Wich in english means:

"But sometimes you learn in the process and you meet excellent people.

And you get to know each other, and you think you're getting a better understanding of what the game is aboutUntil one day you think you don't, and then you think you do, and so you grow.

It sounds contradictory, but it's true"

Isn't it beautiful? And so awfully true?

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