A Better World - 2

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Really really sorry for this long overdue Chapter update.. Am not abandoning this story, but the plot bothered me a lot and spiralled out of hand.. Please enjoy..
Not much WANGXIAN moment here, but in next chapter...

Xue Yang was truly reluctant to knock at the Moon Shine Manor at this late of night, Lan Xichen has been staying with his family since their arrival so he has no choice but to disrupt the household. 

The guards were slightly hesitating but seeing Emperor's seal they knelt and let Xue Yang through, who quietly followed the guard who practically ran to inform the arrival of Emperor's bodyguard bearing Emperor's seal. 

The head of the Lan family, Lan Xichen and Lan Qinghen rushed to the visiting room, clearly out of bed, hestily wrapping an outer robe, wiping sleep from eyes. 

'huh so the Lan family was sleeping when behind their back the Emperor amd their precious Lan Wangji meet each other', Xue Yang thought to himself but kept his face nutral. 

"Imperial bodyguard! What is the purpose of you late visit?", Lan Qinghen asked, with a bit of irritation, they are supposed to depart at day break, he was hoping for an early night but it seems something important has come upon. 

Xue Yang detected the irritation but didn't say anything, he unrolled the scroll and held the Emperor's seal in his right hand facing the carved part towards the Lans. 

To see the seal is to seeing the Emperor, the Lans hestily kowtowed, along with the guard and a few maids who remaind and Lan Wangji and Lan Qiren too kowtowed where they were hiding their presence behind a screen,

With a throat clearing Xue Yang starts, 

"Behold this imperial verdict, 

The family of minister Lan, is to delay their imminent departure for land of Gusu for one week due to some unavoidable task of importance, which concerns the well being of future Empress. 

For the caused delay the Lan family will be provided with imperial navy fleet with 4 sails to reach Gusu in short time. 

End of verdict"

"Lord Lan please accept the imperial verdict", Xue Yang bowed towards the Emperor's manor before offering the scroll to Lan Qinghen. 

Lan Qinghen was bewildered by the sudden imperial order, but he still outstretches his hands and accepts the scroll  bowing once more,before standing up. 

Lan Qiren and Lan Wangji too bowed their from behind the screen and stands up after the elder Lan. 

The surprise on the faces of Lan Qinghen and Lan Xichen was not surprising, to issue an edict means there is some important matter that has come into the Emperor's attention, but to involve well being of future Emperor consort broke a cold sweat on them. 

Hesitatingly Lan Xichen asked, 

"imperial body guard, can you enlighten us over this sudden order? We are at our wits end" 

Xue Yang too didn't know much, but obviously more than anyone, so to sooth the Lans he said, '' this one believes the Emperor has become aware of breach of trust against some elders, elders responsible to provide the future consort with proper education. Worry not, everything will be revealed during morning court. The Emperor has requested both Lord Lan and minister Lans presence at the court, scheduled to start at break of daylight "

With this Xue Yang too bowed and retreated. There is only a few hours till daybreak, he needs a short nap to replenish his energy for tomorrow. 

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