Episode 12

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Usoop: Alright they're going to attack from this shore at daybreak. But the only route into the village is this one slope. Everything else is clif, making it tougher to come through. In other words, if we can defend this slope to the death, the village won't get attacked!
Nami: Oh! That easy!
Usopp: Talking about it is, but the rest depends on our strength! What you go do?
Zoro: cut.
Luffy: Stretch
Stella: Punch, Kick
Nami: Steal
Usopp: I can hide.
All: You're gonna fight!
Usopp: I'm just kidding! Geez!
A/n Did not know what to say to Stella seeing how she not going to mention her devil fruit.
Janjo was talking to Kuro's crew while Kuro went back to Kaya.
The rest was dumping oil on the ground.
Usopp: Alright perfect!  Now they won't be able to climb up this slope, thanks
To all this oil we've laid out here! We'll let them slip and slide on this slope, then beat the crap out of them while they flail about! No matter what we will protect this slope!
Nami: Conversely, at least just hope that none of us slip down there. It is like diving right into an ant-lion pit.
Luffy: I'm amazed you can think up stuff this cheeky!
Usopp: But of course! When it comes to cheekiness and slingshots, I'm utterly confident.
They smiled
They all waited for daybreak
Zoro: Ita almost daybreak. They'll be coming.
Jango was leading the ship. We're here! Alright men! Go ashore! Trash the village and head for the mansion!
Man: Captain! There are two strange boats here! Shall I check it out?
Jango: Leave them. They're not treasure ships. Don't screw up our schedule!
Man: Understood!
Jango: Gwt goin, you guys!
Luffy: Where are they? The sky's all bright now. What's the deal?
Zoro' Maybe they overslept or something?
Stella: No. With a plan like that they will definitely come.
Nami heard something.
Maybe it's just my imagination, but I hear, Yaaah! Coking from somewhere...
Yeah, I definitely hear it!
Stella: I hear it too
Usopp: Now that you mention it...
Zoro: What? What is it?
Usopp: There:d a place just like this to the north, too! You don't suppose...
Luffy: You mean this is the wrong shore?
Usopp: This is where they had their secret meeting, so I just assumed...
Luffy: Hwy, Lrts hurry! They gonna get into the village where Is this place?!
Usopp: If you run straight north from here you'll get there in three minutes!
The terrain there is almost exactly the same, so we just need to stop them at the slope!
Luffy: Don't worry! We'll don't somehow m!
Nami: Oh, no! The north is where our boats are!  They gonna take the treasure!
Luffy: We'll be there in 20 seconds! He grabbed Stella and ran off.
Stella: Why am I always getting dragged with you everywhere?
Luffy: You were the closest to me.
Usopp: Damnit! My brilliant oil strategy was all for nothing! He ran too
Nami: Mt treasure...
Zoro: Hey. What're you doing? Let's go
Nami: Yeah we have to hurry. She went to walk but slipped and grabbed Zoro swords.
Help! I'm falling!
Zoro: Let go you moron!
Nami: Sorry. She used his back and got back up making him fall. Sorry! The treasure's in danger! Try to get back up somehow!
Zoro: That girl's gonna pay!
Uospp was running
Usopp: I refuse to let them enter the village! But Luffy & Stella runs data! I can't even see them anymore
Luffy: Stright north, straight north
Stella: Are you sure we going the right way they ran together
Nami: They're in big trouble if they touch my treasure!
The man was running up
Some Ball were getting thrown at them
Man: There are some at the top of the hill!
Jango: You!
It was Usopp.
Usopp: My name is Captain Usopp! I've been waiting for you all this time!
I'm completely ready to fight! Turn back now, if you don't want to die.
Mind what the? I'm the first on here? But they were running way ahead of me!
Zoro was trying to run the hill.
Luffy and Stella ended up in the village
Both breathing heavily
Luffy: We're in the village now! That's weird! He said north so we ran in the cold-ish direction!
Stella: That's why. Being Cold doesn't mean it's north.
The crew were all in front of Usopp.
Jango: You're that bit who overheard our plan.  What do you think you're doing?
Usopp: I'm warning you! Turn back now who you still can! Or else my 100 million crewmen will...beat the crap out of you guys!
Jango: What? 100 million? Wow!
Man: He's lying
Usopp: Mind Yikes! they saw through it?
Man: He seriously thought he could fool us, too.
Jango: How dare you trick me!
The men went through Nami's treasure.
Uospp: Five million Berries? Why is there that much money in this guy's boats? That's my treasure! But you can have it!.
Jango: What? You'll give us the treasure.
Usopp: That's right! In exchange for that treasure, I ask that you turn back now!
Jango: You fool, where pirates, you know. We're obviously going to take this treasure! It's not good enough of a reason for us to turn back.
Usopp: You have a point...
Jango: Alright them on ' One, two, Jango," You'll let us by!
Usopp: It's the weapon from before!
Jango: One! Two! Jan-
Nami came and walked Usopp in the head from behind the
Quite saying stupid crap!
Usopp: Oww!
Man: Caption: This is no time to hypnotize yourself and let people by!
Nmai: That boat's treasure is mine I won't let you have a single berry!  Hold onto it! I'll come take it back now!
Usopp: That hurts!
Nami: Whi said you could give them my treasure!
Usopp: What's wrong with just saying that can have it?
Nmai: What're you talking about? After I just saved you! I forgot to mention it, but don't watch his thing all the way through! He is a hypnotist!
Usopp: Hypnosis?
Nami: So? Where's Luffy & Stella? They ran here first, right?
Usopp: Dunno! He either chickened out or got lost!
Nami: They got lost, then. Geez! Just when we need them, too!
Usopp walks backward. I'll take command here. Go kick they're but's I'll cover you!
Nmai: Hold on, why me? There's no way I can take on that huge army! I'm weak you know!
Usopo: Don't underestimate me just cause I'm a guy! I'm so scared my legs are shaking like crazy! see?
Nmai: Big deal! See looks I'm so scared I have tears in my eyes!
Usopp: Your eyes are bone dry! If you're gonna lie, lie more realistically!
Nami: I don't need you to tell me that!
They started to argue
Jango: We don't have time to mess with them. Crush the and head for the village, men!
The men went after them.
Nmai: Here they come!
Usopp: Oh, yeah! I have caltrops!
Nmai: Oh, you do have some good stuff!
Nami: Gimmi.
They both held some
Usopp: Caltrop Hell. They threw the spikes.
Zero was still trying he use his swords to climb up.
I made it! Which way is North Shore?
Luffy: Straight North! Luffy ran into a Hill
Stella stopped herself before she could.
Luffy: Which way is North?!
Stella: You are the worst with discretion.
The men were stepping on the spikes
Usopp: Now! Special Attack: Lead star! He shot one of the men with a small Ball.
Nmai: Way to go; keep it up, now! I'm gonna quit fighting for a bit.
Usopp: You haven't even fought yet!
She went to walk away when she saw the Caltrops behind them
Usopp: You moron! You dropped them there!
A man did a sneak attack on Uspp with a Two hammer.
Man: Do you seriously think you can stop us?
Let's go, guys! Captain Kuro is waiting!
He went to walk when Usopp grabbed his leg.
The man kicked him
Usopp: I can't let you get past this slope... Because I only lie, like I always do...so the village is going to have just another ordinary day...So I absolutely won't let you pass!
Another man who used his sword on Usopp when Nami used her bo staff on him.
Another man used his sword to push her out of the way.
Usopp went to see if she was okay but was stopped
Jnago: Hey, you guys; quite bothering with them and get going already! Have you forgotten that this is Captain Kuro's plan? If anything happens to throw his plan off, he'll every one of us. Do you understand that you Dumbasses?! Man: Hey, now... Yeah, hurry to the village!
Uospp: stop. Damnit.. Won't is don't go the village.
A man kicked him. Pushing him back. Mind
Stop! Please! Please don't kill everyone! I love this village! I want to protect it!
All the men were pushed back.
Man: What was that Captain Jango? Nobody mentioned guys like them were in the village!
Nmai: About time
Luffy, Stell & Zoro we're there
Zoro: What were those challenging guys just now?!
Luffy: Don't look at me! I'm not satisfied, though!
Zoro: Nmai! How are you kicking me down there?
Usopp: You jerk! You didn't say which way was north!
Jango: Who're they?

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