𝘪𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 .

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Gwen twirled her blonde-and-pink-fade hair, leaning forward as she did. "You actually seem cool. We can get rid of this rumour for you if you introduce me to Miles." She then batted her long lashes.

"Deal," The word came spilling out my mouth. I just wanted to be the unknown girl again and go back to my quiet life of hiding in the shadows of school until I could go home and do whatever I wanted.


Chapter 4 

It's a little late for a girl like you to be out here ☆


When they said they'd get rid of the rumour, they meant it. I walked through the halls next to Gwen and Gayatri the next day. People were still looking at me, but in a good way? It's like everyone forgot about yesterday.

We stopped in front of Gwen's locker. She opened it, and I noticed how decorated it was. Nearly everything was pink or blue and she had pictures of Miles all over the place. Talk about psycho.

"Okay, so you have first period with him right?" She asked, applying her strawberry lipgloss. I nodded. "Okay, so you're gonna be like 'Oh hey I think my cute friend likes you and he'll be like 'Cool let me see her'. And then we'll --"

I droned out in the middle of her explanation, how am I supposed to talk to him with this rumour thing going on? 

"--You got that?" 

"Oh- uh yes." The bell rang, and I left for my class.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

When I walked in it was almost like the universe had the plan drawn out for me. The only seat available was the one right beside Miles. I sat down, hanging my bag on the chair. The teacher started the lesson and put on some video, and I hesitated before tapping his shoulder. 

"Hey, Miles?"

He let out a small 'hm' in response. "I have this friend that really likes you. She's cute too."

"Gwen? Yeah, I know." He rolled his eyes, turned back to the screen then mumbled. "Tell her that her fake lashes aren't placed right." 

I stifled back a laugh, "She said she wants to see you after school"

"Oh, I'll be there."

There was a moment of silence as the teacher walked by. Miles spoke again. "Y'know Gwen and Gayatri? They aren't the best to hang out with?"

"I...I know I just needed to clear some stuff so I can go back to my normal life."

Miles looked like he wanted to say something more but was interrupted.

"Morales, L/N, quiet."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


"So what'd he say?" Gwen asked at lunch, resting her head on her hands. She had this dreamy look in her eyes. 

"Oh, he'll definitely be seeing you after school"

Gwen let out a tiny squeal, "You're the best." 

"Speaking of Miles, he's like right there isn't he so hot"

I honestly agree. Even though he looked exactly how he always does, he always seemed to look better every time I notice him.

Gwen called out Miles' name, and she did a little finger wave when he turned around to look at us. He just forced on a smile and sat down at his usual spot. Alone.

I don't even remember learning anything about him, didn't I just learn about his existence a couple of days ago?

4:45 PM

I walked into my apartment, feeling exhausted once again. My mom was sitting at the dinner table, feeding Rosa her dinner. She wasn't usually home by this time but I was glad she was since I had no willpower to take care of my sister.

"Hi, Mom," I said softly, setting my bag down and kicking off my shoes by the door.

"Hola mija." she replied, wiping the baby food off her face with a napkin.
"How was school?" she asked, tilting her head to the side as she looked at me. 

I sat down across from her, sighing as I rested my elbows on the table.

"It was okay," I said in a flat tone, not wanting to get into too much detail. I didn't want to burden my mom with my troubles, especially since she was busy.

"That's good," she said, smiling gently as she continued feeding Rosa. 

"So, what's for dinner?" I asked, trying to divert the conversation to a lighter topic. 

"I made your favourite – [favourite food]!" she exclaimed, holding out a plate of it. The smell of the delicious food only made me more hungry.

"Thanks, Mom," I said gratefully, taking the plate from her hands. Then I jogged up the stairs to my bedroom, my hand sticky for some unexplainable reason. I reached for the doorknob and it stuck to my palm for a second before I was able to free it. I headed to my bed, sat down, and turned on my laptop. I clicked on the Boogle icon.

🔎 How do you know your spiderman? I typed curiously, my fingers sticking to the keys, making it a bit of a challenge to type.

I stopped for a moment, rethinking my question. Spider-Man wasn't even real, and certainly not a girl either. Was it just a puberty thing? I wondered, hovering over the search button.

Screw that shit I'm desperate.

1. You can't fit into any of your clothes all of a sudden
2. Sticking to everything
3. Thoughts feel loud 
4. Enhanced hearing and/or sight
5. Obviously, Bitten by a spider recently

Holy shit. Holy Shit. All of these symptoms applied to me besides the spider. I thought about when I could have been bitten by a spider, but nothing concrete came to mind, except...


10:50 PM

I ran through the streets, almost bumping into multiple people. I had to be back before Mom noticed I'd left. After a couple of minutes, I made it in front of the ice cream shop again. It was closed so I didn't have to worry about looking like a weirdo while snooping.

Turning on my flashlight, I began looking around for any clues of a spider. I hadn't even been looking for 10 seconds when I saw a dead one under the tables in front of the shop. I put on a glove and cautiously turned it over. The number 1610 was etched on the body, I don't think that's normal.

When I pulled out my phone, the spider glitched like a video game, startling me badly. I lifted my head but just hit it on the bottom of the table making me wince in pain. 

"Isn't too late for a little girl to be out here?" I crawled out from the table to see a tall guy with a mask that kind of reminded me of a gas mask but purple and...some kind of robot eyes? 

The Prowler.


wc: 1175

-written by amara(sorry if its bad i wrote this at school on my phone im not supposed to have...) 

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