Chapter 2

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"Hurry up and hand me the first aid kit!" Husky shouted as he dug around cabinets and drawers.

"Y-yes sir!" Tyler said as he ducked, right before a cabinet door hit him. Husky rushed around the medical room while jason grabbed some towels.

Once sky arrived he saw Seto and brice walk into the room to help while everyone else was waiting outside of the room.

"What happened...?" Sky asked and sat down on a chair near the room. Ty and bash sat beside him, while ian went into the room with some medical equipment.

"Seto and Bashur were walking by the front door and found Simon trying to carry Bodil here. He was badly wounded in the shoulder by something or whatever but it seems like bodil has the virus...we took them in and here we are..." Ty explained and shifted in his seat.

Sky looked down at the ground and gave a small nod before standing up. "I guess we should wait till one of them wakes up, we should let them rest for a while and let husky and his team do their work before we go in..." Sky explained then left down the hall.

Mitch went to tell sky something but stopped knowing now wasn't the best time. Being gloomy wouldn't help the situation either...

He knew that talking about it more would just bother sky, mostly since Skys friends are like his only family.

"Hey biggums, let's go back to the game room to keep our minds off of things.." Jerome said and grabbed onto Mitch's arm while pulling him towards the game room.

Bashur and Ty looked at each other then left down the hall to go cook dinner for everyone later.


Sky paced around his room, thoughts ran around his head over and over again.

He was being stupid...if he had payed more attention to his friends/family he could of watched Bodil and Simon more closely.

But instead, he was too busy with the kingdom and the virus that he didn't pay any mind to the ones close to him.

Sky was suddenly pushed out of his thoughts when a loud crash echoed around the halls.

Without thinking, Sky ran out of his room and towards the crash. His eyes widened once he noticed that the sound was coming from the medical room.

But when he knocked on the door, no one answered. "Guys? Guys what happe-" the door flew open and a cloud of smoke pushed out into the hall.

Sky coughed and tried to see past the smoke. But all he saw was the broken red exit sign that had fallen half way down the wall from where it should of been.

"...." Sky stood up quickly and ran inside the room. While using his hoodies sleeve to cover his nose and mouth. He searched the room but tripped over something...?

As he looked back to see what it was...his eyes were met with dark eye sockets. He quickly moved away from what ever those empty sockets belong to.

The empty sockets suddenly closed then re-opened to reveal dark Crimson eyes. Blood then started dripping from the eyes as they focussed on Sky.

Soon Sky found himself pinned to the floor helplessly as this familiar person pinned him to the ground.

Yet, he could figure out who it was. But why did this 'thing' seem so alike someone else he had known...?

The person laughed as it dug its sharp nails into skys shoulders. Sky struggled and tried to kick it off but every time he kicked it would press its nails deeper into skys skin.

Suddenly there was a knocking noise then a "Hello...? Sky you alright...?" It was Tys voice. But why couldn't Sky see him..? Why didn't ty notice that the medical room door was...wait...?

Sky gasped and sat up then glanced around. He was still in his room...? But what about the....? Was it all a dream...?

Ty walked in as Sky tried to catch his breathe. A concerned look was plastered onto tys face as he Sat next to Sky.

"Dude you okay..? You look like you've seen a ghost." Ty commented as he patted skys back. Sky winced and pushed him away.

"In was just a nightmare..." Sky muttered as he starred at the ground. Ty signed, "well it must of been some nightmare to have shaken you so easily..I'll leave you alone for a little. Dinner is almost ready. There are also no signs of bodil and Simon waking up." Ty said as he walked out.

Sky nodded and laid back on his bed. "When did I fall asleep...? And why was that dream so real...?" Sky asked himself as he closed his eyes.

What was that 'thing' in his dream and why was it so familiar...? He felt as if he had seen it somewhere before but where?

Sky raised his hand to his fore head to see if he had a fever. But his fire head was surprisingly ice cold...?

"....what...?" Sky held his amulet in his hands and looked down at the gem. It wasn't its usual purple color...but a red instead.

When did this happen...? And how...? The thing that really surprised him was the fact that in the back of the amulet. Three numbers where carved into the budder rim.

"6....6.....6..." What did those mean...? Was it some code or a name...? Sky looked around his room then took the amulet off and tossed it on the table.

He wasn't in the mood to head down to dinner. His stomach ached and his legs felt numb. What was going on...?

What the hell was 666...? Sky laid back down in his yellow covered bed and starred up at the celling. He was debating if he should tell the others or not.

But he didn't want to make them worry since they have to deal with Simon and bodil first. But was it a coincidence that this happened after bodil and Simon arrived...?


Hey guys~ how's the story so far...? Getting tiered of it yet or do you want more...?

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