Team white

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Looking at him as such a little innocent angel. Little did they know what he was gonna do to you in just a few hours.
And the moment finally came.

Its 2 in the morning and you and matt are on one of the seats of your hotel room making out with his hand deep into your pants.
You moan a few times as silently as possible trying to breathe since he deosnt give you time to do so.He wants you so bad.
" let me breathe gosh"you say
"Oh you think this is bad? Just wait till i fuck you so hard you think your lungs are gonna explode"he says slyly also out of breath.
He starts taking your shirt off and digs his face in your neck. You gasp as he starts sucking on you tits and circles his warm wet tongue perfectly around your nipples and you start throbbing.
He pulls u on his lap to do it even better and you grab the back of his hair moaning occasionally.

He takes the remainder of your clothes off and pushes you so youre laid back on the seat.
He stands above you and starts taking his belt off not taking his eyes off you as you helplessly lay there,naked, waiting to take whatever he has to gives you.
He takes off his pants and put his hand under your mouth
"spit on it" he says and you obey
He starts stroking his massive veiney cock to get it up
He then grabs the back of your head and shoves his dick inside of your mouth so fast it reaches your throat before you can even react.
You instinctively start sucking it and his balls
After the first time, your used to his aggressive nature when it comes to sex.
You sit on your knees and start looking up to him
« Fuck just like that youre doing so good »
He says while looking at you
you dont reply as your mouth is literally full but you focus on giving matt his pleasure, and your just thinking,realising, that this is gunna be the best night ever.

or so you though..

You start deepthroating it multiple times and look up to seek his approval
"yes right f-fuckin t-t-there"he gets out
you grab his ball which, for some reason, immediately made him come all over your face as if you touched just the right spot
"shit what the f-fuck did you do to me y/n, you that felt so good how did you that you fucking whore"he says, out of genuine shock
his sperm hit your eye which for some reason hurt like a BITCH. you were literally blinded
"come here y/n" he says as he pushed you back down and grabbed ur legs to pull you towards him, not realising what he just did to you
He then turns you around on all fours
« Wait matt. i cant see »
you say, your in an akward position trying to get his semen off your fucking face


sorry if these chapters are rlly short i just want to spread the chapters out so that i dont have 4 chapters in a whole story but i tend to publish the book in one go so yall dont have to wait for chapters 🙌🙌(lmk if you guys mind having short chapters cuz if u dont i could just have all this put in like 2-3 chapters)

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